Representatives Committee Report 2017

With our Treasurer, the Representatives propose a budget for the coming yearwith the following changes:

Yearly Meeting entertainment committee line is being zeroed out, as it is no longer part of Yearly Meeting budget. Quaker Earthcare Witness Delegate Expense increased to $1200; Yearly Meeting Expense for Friends Travel Conference increased to $1300; Publication Committee decreased to $3000; $450 added for Website Committee; and a new line item for printing of Faithand Practice of $2000.

The Publications Committee, in consultation with the Yearly Meeting Clerk, is the body to discern what corrections are to be made with reprinting of theFaith and Practice.

We recommend keeping for one additional year a line item of $2000 forScattergood facilities.

In response to an inbound scholarship request/concern from Interim Meeting, representatives suggest that a letter be sent to other Yearly Meetings from our Yearly Meeting clerk. This letter would note that IYM(C) has no set fees for registration or housing on campus. We did not include a line item in budget for inbound scholarship.

Apportionments remain essentially at the same levels.

We note that $71,800 is being raised by apportionment. If the entire budgeted amount of $85,000 is expended, we expect that $13,200 will be drawn fromcash on hand.

We recommend that the Possibilities Committee continue as an ad hoccommittee, exploring options for how to increase participation in Iowa YearlyMeeting sessions. The Possibilities Committee is encouraged to think about an option for Yearly Meeting to offer financial support to attendees from our own monthly meetings to offset individual costs, if cost is a barrier.

The Representatives would like to express appreciation to the Yearly Meeting for the work of our Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Recorder. We are grateful for many years of service by Jean Sandstrom andGeorge Bergus. We suggest the following appointments for the coming year:

Clerk: Deborah Dakin

Assistant Clerk: in discernment

Treasurer: Rebecca Bergus

Assistant Treasurer: Shirley Scritchfield

Recorder: Tim Shipe

The person considering assistant clerk position continues under discernment. We ask for nominating committee to bring a name to Interim Meeting for approval, if the current person is unable to accept the position before that time.We are open to other suggestions for how to make this appointment in theinterim, if unfilled

We suggest Yearly Meeting be held from 7/24 to 7/29, 2018 at Scattergood School and Farm, near West Branch, Iowa.

On behalf of the representatives,

Cindy Winchell, clerk