Scattergood FriendsSchool Committee

Approved Minutes

3 March 2012

held at Des MoinesValley Meeting House

Des Moines, Iowa



Mission Statement

Scattergood Friends School challenges students with acollege-preparatory curriculum, farm experience, a shared work program, andcommunity living in the spirit of Quaker faith.




Present: ClaireCumbie-Drake, Ruth Dawson, Debbie Galusha (clerk), Lucy Hansen, Russ Leckband,Lorene Ludy, Callie Marsh, Bob Winchell, Allan Winder


Absent: GeorgeBergus, Rebecca Bergus, Karen Greenler, Phil Henderson, Sylvia Sanford, DanSchlitt, Doyle Wilson


Staff Present:Christine Ashley


Guest: CherylSutton from the Scattergood Friends School Foundation



The clerk openedthe meeting at the appointed time with a time of worship. She then read thefollowing passage:

Some changes tend primarily to clear out our lives, to makespace, time, attention available for God, in lives filled with other claims tobe the central, organizing point of our lives.  .  .  . [A] paradox of the spiritual life isthatÑas we clear out space at the centerÑwe not only enter more deeply intorelationship with God, we are also drawn more deeply into relationship with oneanother.

                                    ListeningSpirituality, vol. I, Patricia Loring, p.124.


Min: We approve the minutes with one correction of boththe open and closed minutes of the last meeting held on 14 January 2012. Wealso approve the minutes from our conference call meeting held 19 February2012.


            CallieMarshwill coordinate a staff treat for their meeting after the ISACS visit with afruit tray, cinnamon rolls, muffins and coffee. She will check to see if Lauraat ReidÕs Beans could provide this. Callie will let people know the cost, sothat Friends can contribute toward it.


The ISACS team will be at theSchool on the 18th and 19th of March. There will be areception at ReidÕs Beans at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, the 18th, followedby dinner at the School at 5:30 p.m. It is important that as many SchoolCommittee members attend as is possible. Claire Cumbie-Drake, Ruth Dawson,Debbie Galusha, Lucy Hansen, CallieMarsh,Bob Winchell and Allan Winder will attend on the 18th. We encouragethose not present at this meeting to join us. At least Debbie Galusha, LucyHansen and Callie Marsh will be at the School onMonday morning for meetings from 8-11 a.m.


            Weappreciate the excellent work happening at the School in many areas. The staffreports for us are helpful and encouraging. We thank everyone for all theirhard and good work.


            ChristineAshley shared her plans for restructuring the administrative team, eliminatingthe position of Dean of Students, and adding a position of  Assistant Head of School. She islooking for residential life curriculums from other Friends Schools. Calliewill look into that to see if she can find some information. Christine alsoshared her thoughts about the importance of supporting the studentsÕ desire tohave a Quaker Youth Retreat at the School next year.


Min: We approve the financial report of 15 February2012.  


Christine presented a rough draftof a budget for the 2012-2013 school year. As it stands now, our potentialincome will not cover our budgeted expenses. The need to cut expenses andbroaden our donor base is crucial. We hope to approve a budget at the nextmeeting.


We moved from the business of theSchool Committee to a retreat with questions for discussion planned by KarenGreenler. We enjoyed getting to know each other better, and thank Karen for herwork on the questions.


The Des Moines Valley Meetingprovided delicious snacks and lunch for us. We thank all who contributed andJean Sandstrom for her coordination of that effort. We also thank her son Neal,who volunteered to wash the dishes and put away the food afterward.


            Theclerk closed the meeting in a timely manner with a short time of worship.

We look forward to meeting again, God willing, on 12 May2011, at Scattergood Friends School.




Callie Marsh, recording clerk