Scattergood FriendsSchool Mission


Through a strongacademic program, a cooperative work program, and community based on Quakervalues, Scattergood Friends School prepares students with recognition of selfworth, sense of global citizenship, growing spiritual awareness, commitment tolife-long learning, ability to live constructively in a community, and skillsto attain future academic and vocational success.




Approved Minutes

6 February 2010



Present: George Bergus,Ruth Dawson, Debbie Galusha (clerk), Frank Griffith, Lucy Hansen, RussLeckband, Lorene Ludy, Callie Marsh, Sylvia Sanford, Dan Schlitt, Steve Tamari,Dan Treadway, Bob Winchell, Allan Winder


Absent: Doyle Wilson


Guest: Richard Johnson,Scattergood Friends School Foundation


Staff present: ErykaDriscoll, Margie Figgins, Mark Quee, Ginny Winsor, Steve Wolf-Camplin.


The clerk opened themeeting with silent worship. She shared the following quotation with us:


                        Ò.. . to provide a tender teachable disposition. . . . and make way

            forthe softening influence of divine good-will in their hearts, fitting them

            forthe fruitful discharge of every duty in life.Ó 

                                    Dr.Fothergill, founding philosophy of Ackworth School, 1777



Wewelcome Steve Tamari Ô77 to the School Committee.


Wethank Sharon Haworth and Michael Resman for the time and energy they have giventhe school and the community. We appreciate their service. The clerk will orhas written them both thank you notes.


Theclerk has shared the letter of resignation from Michael Resman. [See attachedletter]


Weapprove the minutes of our meeting on 12 December 2010.


Weapprove the changes for the Development CommitteeÕs responsibilities suggestedfor the School Committee Handbook. We will ask for final approval at our nextmeeting.

Thenew job description is as follows:



TheScattergood Development Committee supports the efforts

ofthe School to secure financial support and advance our mission. This Committeeis responsible for reviewing and recommending changes in

schoolpolicy that pertain to fundraising and outreach to the wider

Scattergoodcommunity. This includes policies regarding the kinds

andforms of gifts accepted, communication with donors, as well as

reviewand recommendations of changes to the annual development

planand appropriate sections of the Long Range Plan. This Committee

isalso responsible for marketing and publicity policies as they pertain



ThisCommittee is responsible for taking a leadership role in any new

orspecial fund raising activities or campaigns, once the initiative has

receivedapproval from the School Committee as a whole.


ThisCommittee is responsible for ensuring that the entire School

Committeeis educated and involved in development efforts and lends

supportto Scattergood staff involved. This includes encouraging

financialcontributions from all members.



Weapprove the Enrollment Sub-committeeÕs responsibilities, as follows:


The Enrollment Subcommittee is responsible forrecommending

policies to the School Committee and forreviewing the SchoolÕs

performance in the areas of admissions and newstudent recruitment. 

In admissions these include policies relating toadmissions standards,

financial aid, application and interviewprocedures, and application

review and acceptance procedures. In the area ofnew student

recruitment, the subcommittee is involved withpolicies related to all

aspects of the promotion of the school toappropriate pools of students

and their parents. Responsibility forpromotional policies is shared

with the Development Subcommittee.


The Subcommittee will review the SchoolÕsperformance related to

its areas of responsibility, including annualenrollment goals, budget

allocations to the admissions and promotionfunctions, admissions

process quality, and student retention. TheSubcommittee will report

periodically to the School Committee on criticalissues related to its

areas of responsibility. Subcommittee membershave a responsibility

to educate themselves about the activities ofthe School and

best practices in the larger world related tostudent admissions

and recruitment.


We will ask for finalapproval for this change in the handbook at the next meeting.


We gave initial approvalto the proposed changes to the SFSC Rules & Guidelines 2009-2010 (notincluding change from ÒDirectorÓ to ÒHead.Ó At our next meeting we will seekfinal approval. The changes are as follows (in yellow):


Statement ofNondiscrimination: Scattergood Friends School

does not discriminate inhiring, promotion, or termination of

employment on the basis of race, sex, color,religion, age,

sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, ethnicity, or

national origin.


Travel Reimbursement


Each school committee member is asked tocomplete a travel

reimbursement form on the day of the meeting.Mileage will be

reimbursed at the current IRS rate and hotel accommodations

(in the event the Berquist House is full) willbe reimbursed up

to $50.


Scattergood Friends School Committee


This isthe current job description for use by the Yearly

Meeting nominating committee in selecting newSchool

Committee members.



Page 4

4.2       Frequencyand agenda. The School Committee shall

meet as needed to conduct its business. Theannual calendar

of meetings shall include meeting in September(fourth

Saturday), December (first Saturday), January(fourth Saturday),

March (fourth Saturday and Sunday), May (thirdSaturday),

and July (third Saturday). These meeting times may shift to

accommodatethe school calendar.The following will be

standard items of business at these meetings:



á     ApproveConsultation Committee Report for

                        sub-committeesand officers.

á     ReviewCommittee rules and orient new


á     Reaffirmschool mission statement and non-


á     Meetnew and returning staff.

á     Enrollmentupdate.

á     Updatelegal issues.

á     Recommendtuition for the following school year.

á     Approveannual budget.

á      Affirm the Human Resources Committee will conduct

                        Head evaluation.


December Ð

á     Evaluateaccomplishment of goals in long-range plan.

á     Discussupdating long-range plan and, if necessary,

                        Appointa person or committee for this task.

á      Have Committee retreat.


January Ð

á      Hear report of Head evaluation.

á     Executecontract with the Head.

á     Approveor modify updated long-range plan.

á     Appointworking group to plan March Retreat.


March/April Ð

á     Hearresource person or have Committee Retreat.

á     Hearsummer plans.

á     Hearstaff needs for coming year.

á     Receivean enrollment projection for coming year.



á     Hearfrom graduating seniors.

á     Getan enrollment update.

á     Undertakeevaluation of CommitteeÕs work.



á     Reviewannual report to yearly meeting.

á     Hearstaffing and student projections.

á     Reviewpreliminary budget for coming year.

á     Decidehow much money to ask the Yearly

                        Meetingto give the school this year.

á      Set schedule for the yearÕs meetings.

á      Appoint working group to plan the December retreat.



5.4 General Duties ofSubcommittees

            e.Keep notes of their meetings and deliver same to the Clerk

                        or Recording Clerk at orbefore the next School Committee



Technology Committee Ðsection deleted.



I. Duties of the Clerk,section G.

            5. Assist the Recording Clerkwith archiving minutes.


II. Duties of therecording clerk, section A.

6.Provide the Head with anup-to-date list of people (i.e.,

                        School Committee members,Foundation trustees, Yearly

                        Meeting Trustees) who are toreceive copies of pertinent

                        material (minutes, agendas,meeting notices, background

                        materials, etc.).



We approve SteveWolf-CamplinÕs plan to accept a bid from Advanced Environmental Testing andAbatement, Inc. of Moline, IL to remove asbestos from the Art Building. Weunderstand that this is the beginning of the renovation for the building. Weapprove a budget of $10,000 to begin the project. We appreciate SteveWolf-CamplinÕs efforts on this project.


Weask Ginny Winsor to present a capital budget to us in March.


We approve Mark QueeÕssuggestion to change the land use of two areas of our property from row cropsto pasture and trees.


Bob Gutwein asks us togive him the names of any resources in the Iowa City area for our students.


We welcome our guest, RichardJohnson, who is a member of the Scattergood School Foundation.


We approve the requestfrom Ginny Winsor that families of students must apply annually for financialaid. Currently they only do so once.


We thank Michal Lynchfor her presentation on Green Schools, and congratulate her and SarahHarper-Smith for the grant they received for $6000, which they will beinvesting in a rain garden project.


We approve asking Latta,Harris, Hanon & Penningroth, L.L.P. to do a full audit at the end of ourfiscal year.


Weapprove the budget for the school year 2009-2010 with thanks to Eryka andGinny.


Russ Leckband hopes toattend the stateÕs hearings on accreditation for private schools. We thank him.


Ifanyone is interested in being part of the Human Resources Committee, please letthe clerk know.


CallieMarsh, recording clerk







Dates to remember:


ISACSwill be here for our review in September next fall, and requests that we have ameeting while they are here. We will therefore have our first meeting inSeptember, not October. Bring your calendars to the March meeting, please.


6March 2010   ScattergoodFriends School Committee Meeting


30May 2010  Graduation









Letter of Resignationfrom Michael Resman

to Debbie Galusha,clerk,

Scattergood FriendsSchool Committee



January25, 2010




Omaha,NE 68005




Iam resigning from the Scattergood School Committee. This decision came aboutafter examining my leadings and personal history. IÕve pondered and prayed aboutwhat God would have me do ever since I received GinnyÕs head of school reportin October.


Theissue is my personal ethics. I spent my career first at a state hospital thatwas later shut down as part of a system considered to be poorly serving patientÕsneeds. I then worked in an under-funded special education department, where Iwas aware that studentÕs werenÕt getting the services they could and shouldhave been receiving. I was good at what I did and my patients/students werebetter off because I stayed. Yet by staying, I was part of systems thatshortchanged them. I wonder at what point I should have stepped away andrefused to be part of a flawed system.


Thatline was crossed for me at Scattergood by GinnyÕs October report which said,

ÒMoleand mildew in several buildings seem to be affecting the health of students andstaff.Ó I confirmed with her during our December meeting that these issues hadnot been addressed, and would in fact be difficult and expensive to fix. Afollow up email to Russ confirmed that there are no plans to quickly eliminatemold and mildew. A further issue was NicoleÕs report that several staff housesare without water for part of each winter. To hear that staff considered someof their housing substandard jarred my sensibilities.


Iam not comfortable being part of a governing body that canÕt provide for thehealth and safety of students, staff and their families. It became clear duringthe strategic planning process that monies arenÕt available to solve theseissues in the immediate future. While I have no doubt that they eventually willbe addressed these issuesÑalong with what looked to me like damaged asbestosceilings in the art buildingÑto me are emergencies. In the public schoolsetting I came from, the affected areas would be vacated immediately and notused until the health issues had been resolved. It would be too painful for meto sit through committee meetings for many months, knowing that I was in partresponsible for a health risk.


AlthoughI was processing this issue during the December meeting and recent conferencecall, I didnÕt say anything. This is a personal issue, one that I needed totake in prayer. I wish you all the best. I will inform the Clerk of NYM thatthe position is open.


