17 May 2009
Meeting held through a conference call
Present: George Bergus, Debbie Galusha, Lucy Hansen, Sharon Haworth, Phil Henderson, Andrea Jilovec, Russ Leckband, Callie Marsh, Sylvia Sanford, Dan Schlitt, Doyle Wilson, Allen Winder, Bob Yeats.
Absent: Frank Griffith, Charity Muñoz, Dan Treadway, Bob Winchell.
Update on search process
Apology re last meeting’s minutes.
Appoint a Search Committee for the position of Head of School
A gift for Jan
Possible hiring of Cass for various tasks.
Debbie regrets that given the current circumstances she has not yet gotten the minutes of the last meeting distributed. She will try to get to that soon.
Search Process for Interim Head
We are hiring an Interim Head for one year. We do not need to say anything else about whether they would be considered for the future position. We hope all candidates can visit and be interviewed before graduation on May 31. At the moment Ginny Winsor is the only candidate. There are others we have contacted. Two have declined, and we are waiting for responses from the others.
We reviewed the qualifications for the job. It is vital that whoever we hire understands Quakerism, not be a smoker, and is able to live on campus. In addition we are looking for someone who has a background in education, administration, fund-raising, managing budgets, and enjoys adolescents.
Debbie Galusha reported that she had told the administrative team that we will need to house the Interim Head on campus and that therefore there may need to be some shuffling of housing assignments. The staff foresaw no problem with that, although they thought the following year might be more difficult.
Andrea Jilovec and Bob Yeats reported on their interviews with Ginny Winsor. Bob mentioned that Ginny Winsor is accustomed to meeting the public, is an administrator, and has managed both employees and budgets. Debbie reported that one of her first questions was if she could examine recent financial reports. Debbie sent her the reports Jan presented to us at the May 9 meeting.
Interview with Ginny Winsor
George Bergus, Lucy Hansen, Andrea Jilovec, Allen Winder, Bob Yeats, and perhaps Sylvia Sanford will interview Ginny Winsor on Wednesday, May 20 at 4:15 pm in Iowa City. We will arrange to use the Iowa City Friends Meeting house for that interview. Some or all of those Friends will take Ginny out to dinner.
Debbie Galusha will mail the list of questions for interviewees to all the SFSC.
George Bergus and Callie Marsh will call Ginny's references if we determine she is a viable candidate
Gift for Jan Luchini
Debbie Galusha will contact Jill Michener to inquire about purchasing a quilt/wall hanging as a gift for Jan.
Search Committee for Head of School
We appointed Debbie Galusha, Ludy Hansen, Sylvia Sanford and Bob Yeats to the Search Committee. Phil Henderson has some geographic limitations, but is willing to help the Committee. Allan Winder has also offered his assistance as limited by the farming schedule. Student members will be chosen the last week of school when all the students have returned from their trips. Debbie Galusha will ask Deborah Fisch, as clerk of Iowa Yearly Meeting (C), to appoint two people from the yearly meeting.
Offer from Cass Tippin
Cass Tippin has offered his services to manage the school’s insurance policies, to be present on the first day of the year to accept tuition payments from parents, and to prepare the audit and be present during the audit of the School’s financial records. He suggested a reduction of his son’s tuition as compensation, perhaps $3000.
Jan will be asked to contract Cass to work on the audit. Debbie will explore further with him the need for him to work with the insurance policies. Someone else can be found to be at the payment station when students arrive. Our suggestion is that his son’s tuition be reduced by $1500 for these services, but will determine the exact amount when we have clarified our need for him regarding the insurance policies.
Callie Marsh, recording clerk