To members of the Scattergood Friends School Committee:
The following changes in the Handbook for the School Committee were given initial approval at the meeting held April 5, 2008. This is the written notification of these suggested changes. At the next meeting we can make our final recommendations.
At the April 5, 2008 School Committee Meeting, we approved removing the words “…and budget for same.” The reason to omit those words is that the budget for the summer plans is included in the annual budget, and need not be done separately from that budget.
At the April 5, 2008 School Committee Meeting, we gave our initial approved to move the approval of the budget to the September meeting agenda. Thus we suggest that under September we include “Approve the budget for the coming year.” This change will reflect the reality that until the Director knows how much money is available from tuition, she does not have enough information to make a budget. For that reason, for some time we have been approving the budget in September. The change in the handbook will reflect what we have been doing for some time.
At the April 5, 2008 School Committee Meeting, we approved changing the name of the School Director to Head of School.