
11 October 2008

Present: Debbie Galusha, Frank Griffith, Phil Henderson, Andrea Jilovec, Charity Muñoz, Sylvia Sanford, Dan Schlitt, Dan Treadway, Doyle Wilson, Bob Winchell, Allan Winder, Bob Yeats.

Absent: George Bergus, Lucy Hansen Sharon Haworth, Russ Leckband.

Faculty present: Margie Figgins, Jan Luchini, Glenn Singer, Nicole Wolf-Camplin.

The clerk, Debbie Galusha, opened the meeting in a timely manner with a quiet period of worship.

We approved the minutes from our meeting on 29 July 2008.

The meeting in February has been rescheduled for January 24.  Our meeting date in July is planned to be on the first day of Yearly Meeting, Tuesday, the 28th.

Dan Treadway has offered to take over the care of the SFSC web site.

We approve the mission statement and the non-discrimination statement. We also approve the 2007 edition of the Scattergood Friends School Committee Rules and Guidelines.

We approve the operations budget for the year 2008-2009.

We approve the capital budget as proposed, adding $6775.00 to the budget line for the Science Building to include a pitched roof and gutters. We also approve deferring decisions regarding new capital projects until the January meeting, so that we have a clearer sense of monies available and can better prioritize our needs.

We approve an approximate 4% raise in tuition for the year 2009-2010. Tuition will be $23,650 for boarding students, $22,250 for five-day boarders, and $14,500 for day boarders.

After a delicious brunch we welcomed new and returning staff-- Dana Foster, Riley Lark, Michal Lynch, Lucy McCormick, Colleen Schmitt, Christopher Spinler, and Sam Taylor. Hans Niehus sent his regrets. He is not feeling well. We are delighted to meet them and wish them well in this upcoming school year.

We approve nominations for the sub-committees. They are as follows:

Academic: Sylvia Sanford, George Bergus, Charity Muñoz.

Advancement: *Dan Treadway, Lucy Hansen.

Consultation: *Callie Marsh, Dan Treadway, and Bob Yeats.

Facilities: *Russ Leckband, Frank Griffith, Allan Winder. Co-opted: Don Laughlin, Larry Marsh, Dwight Schumm.

Farm: *Doyle Wilson, *Bob Winchell, Allan Winder, Andrea Jilovec.

Human Resources: *Lucy Hansen, Sharon Haworth, Andrea Jilovec.

Spiritual and Community Life: Phil Henderson, Dan Schlitt, Bob Winchell. Co-opted: *Barb Garlinghouse.

Technology: Frank Griffith, *Dan Schlitt, Bob Yeats.

The clerk has asked *Callie Marsh, Andrea Jilovec and Bob Yeats to plan the December retreat, “Letting Our Light Shine.”

An asterisk preceding a name indicates the convener of the sub-committee. If a committee has no asterisked name, their first task is to choose a convener, and inform the Clerk and Recording Clerk of their choice.

We appreciate the thorough and helpful reports from the Head of School, and from the Development, Admissions, and Academic departments.  We also appreciate the reports we received by email from the staff representing the areas of Technology, Facilities, and Spiritual and Community Life.

Members were satisfied with the way the meeting went today, especially enjoying the reports from the staff and our ending a little before the appointed time.

The clerk closed the meeting with another period of silent worship. We look forward to meeting again, God willing, on 6 December 2008 for a brief meeting and a retreat.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Marsh, recording clerk