Janet Cook, Joe Davison, Barb Garlinghouse, Lucy Hansen, Jim Kenney, Burt Kisling, Jeff Kisling, Richard Johnson, Perry-O Sliwa, Dan Treadway, Bob Winchell, George Welch.
Nan Fawcett, Margie Figgins, Ken Hinshaw, Erin Lane.
The minutes were approved as is.
The Friends in Residence program was discussed by the committee, which is trying to formalize the program a bit more. There is a written brochure in preparation. A wide variety of people are interested in participating in the program when schedules permit. School Committee members are encouraged to come and spend some time, whether in this program or otherwise.
The formal committee structure has been replaced by inviting participation in interesting topics -- for instance, several students came to talk with the committee last night.
The committee talked about learning environments -- one student said she was amazed that SC members, part of the governing body, actually listened to her -- This reminded Barb of the importance of effort -- it may be old hat to committee members, but it's new and exciting for the students. The students need the time to meet and spend some time with committee members, and they appreciate it.
We need to finish processing the data we collected at last year's retreat with the students -- particularly the list of learning settings. The experience revealed an important aspect to consider in planning retreats/meetings including students: Meeting while Seniors are on trips enabled younger students to come out of their shells. We handed out notes from the March 2001 workshop on learning settings[link].
-- The November Retreat notes have been updated and a link added to the
main SFSC homepage. A link to Ken's draft "Credo" has been put in the
notes, in addition to the link to Joe's Reflections. Anyone else who
attended the retreat and would like to add something, either as an addition
to one of the existing pages or as a separate statement is invited to send
it to Joe, and he'll put it on the web.
There was some discussion of the retreat, particularly the parts
that John Braman thought should be heard by those who weren't there. Here's
a copy of what's on the website:
At the end John listed what he thought those not there needed to hear from the day:
Another point mentioned was the idea of Concentric Ownership --
showing the role communication plays between the concentric circles of
the community...
There was also some discussion of updating the LRP within the on-going
activities of the school, in such a way that the work that's done in achieving
goals is actually recognized, visible, and celebrated within the school/committee.
The students have been picked, but may not yet have been informed. The
committee is still waiting for members from IaYM(C) -- One person has been
asked and agreed, another has been recommended. The Search Committee is
meeting and making preparations even as it forms.
Copies of Ken's Resignation letter, the letter from Search Committee
announcing the search, and an ad for the Head to be submitted to various
publications were handed out.
Search Committee met with students and with staff to get desiderata
for new head. The committee was impressed with the quality of input from
the students -- they were on target, and enthused. Each group talked about
the importance of familiarity with Quaker principles, if not a Quaker.
If you have candidates, notify Richard (Not Margie), he'll see they get applications and other information they need. (See the letter).
Because May is so busy, it may be better just to have the Committee
members attend classes, etc, and reflect on improvements and celebrate
accomplishments during ISACS cycle and recognize departing staff...
Richard suggested (for a future season) Senior Show-n-Tell --- showing
the Senior Portfolio to the SC, demonstrating what they've accomplished,
prior to graduation.
We discussed the importance of carrying the Vision to IaYM -- We need approval of the YM for SFSC to oversee appropriate uses of the School facilities outside the school year. We were surprised at the concerns raised at the time of the original suggestion to use SFS over the summer.
Think "Scattergood Year Round" as distinct from School Year Round -- different use of facilities over the summer.
For IaYM summer session, we need to prepare a discussion session
Thursday to prepare for a decision at the Business meeting. Time slots
have been reserved by the program committee.
A 15 minute retrospective (PPT) of the school year was proposed
as something the YM would enjoy as a lead-in to the report.