Search committee met before brunch. School committee met with Sean after brunch, before the regular school committee meeting, beginning around 11:00am. The committee and Sean had an extended discussion until about 12:30, then took a break.
The meeting began with silence at 12:55.
Sean Egan was the third candidate who was on campus. The search committee expresses their gratitude and commendations to those on campus who have made these visits possible and effective -- it required significant changes in the life of the campus.
The process seems to be working very well. The students have been very helpful in the process -- "They don't know the questions they aren't supposed to ask".
The committee feels they have had significant input from the many people who have been involved in the interview processes.
Some key staff were not available this weekend (away at a conference) to meet Sean. We discussed the need for additional interviews. Ken said he thought it important to have second interviews for candidates being seriously considered.
Search committee seeks guidance from committee members about how to reach closure. Are members prepared to come again to meet with the committee and or candidates?
In response, the committee passed the following minute:
School Committee delegates to the Clerk and Search Committee, the
authority to finalize details and make an offer to a candidate, subject
to final approval by the school committee. The final approval may be
given in a conference call.
Copies of this minute was sent by email to all members, with a request to respond to the clerk, so that those not responding could be notified by other means. The intent was to assure that all committee members, including those not present, are aware of the minute.
We are all reminded it may be that none of the candidates we have interviewed will be offered, or will accept if offered.
School Committee expresses gratitude to the Search committee for it's ongoing effort.