Scattergood Friends School "Credo"
DRAFT - 1/26/02
What is it that we, as the community of
Scattergood Friends School, holdmost basic and true about our school?
Above all else, and fundamental to
Scattergood’s historic mission is thisassertion: A complete education is
not just what happens in a classroomin a school. Rather, it is what happens in
a learning community that includesclassrooms. School is something you
attend and from which you graduate. A learning community is something
you join, spread, and return tothroughout your life. In a school you earn a
diploma based on the classesyou have passed. In a learning community,
commencement also represents theculmination of a total life experience lived
successfully for a portion ofyour life among friends and advocates of all ages.
In a school, some areteachers and others are students. In a learning community
we are all studentsand we are all teachers, at different times and in different
contexts. Aschool has standards against which students are rated and compared.
In alearning community we embrace the idea that each student’s journey is
theirown, and our role is to lend our support and structure to best help
eachperson on their journey. In a school, success is measured quantitatively.
In a learning community, we measure success by the extent to which we
areempowered, enlivened and equipped for success in our lives and in supportof
the lives of others.
The primary means by which we carry out
our mission is through ouracademic program, our cooperative work program, and
our community life basedon Quaker values. Each of these Scattergood cornerstones encompasseslearning settings
that range from the most traditional to the most exploratoryand experiential.
It is Scattergood’s unique collection of learning settings,within the context
of a learning community that is also our home, which ultimatelydefines us as an
institution. Each critical learning setting carries itsown curriculum, either
explicit or inferred, and taken together enables thegoal of educating the whole
The ideals upon which we describe a
well-educated whole person arederived from deeply rooted Quaker values, and
include above all else therecognition of each person’s self worth. In our learning community weseek to empower each
individual to embark on their own spiritual journey,to be good global citizens,
to commit themselves to life-long learning, tolive constructively in their
community, and to be successful in whateverendeavors they seek to undertake.
Scattergood’s many learning settings providethe means by which each of
these aspects of the human character may developand prosper.
We value these attributes of Scattergood:
our educational program isvibrant, adaptable, and experiential; we are small
enough that each personis an important part of the whole, receiving the
attention they need; weexist as a community, including the sharing of the work
required to sustaina group of people, the place we live, and the land upon
which we grow foodfor ourselves and others; we value all the different ways
that people cangrow, be gifted, struggle, and contribute; and we believe in the
Quaker valuesof simplicity, integrity, non-violence, equality, and the simple
act of sittingin silence together.