Scattergood Friends School Committee

Approved Minutes – September 11, 1999


The School Committee met on Saturday, September 11, 1999 at 11:00 am at Scattergood Friends School.


The meeting opened with a moment of silence.  Members present included Joe Davison, Barb Garlinghouse, Lucy Hansen, Richard Johnson, Burt Kisling, Jeff Kisling, Ron Knight, Janet Lemmerman, Donnie Morehouse, Salome Raheim, Anita Richards, Bruce Rohwer, Bob Rye, Dan Treadway, George Welch, Ted Welch and Lowell Wilson.  Staff members present included Margie Figgins, Ken Hinshaw, Eric Miller and Nancy Ryan.


The minutes from the July 29, 1999 meeting were accepted as written.  Margie Figgins was approved as recording clerk.


Director’s Report - Ken handed out and then read the Director’s Report and noted several areas of import.  There were several financial and budget changes needing committee approval.  Ken’s report touched on these items briefly at this time, to be discussed in greater depth during subcommittee reports.  Overall, the school is in excellent financial condition, with healthy tuition revenue, prior capital improvement and fundraising debt paid off, and several generous gifts to the school. Ken now has both a direct phone line to an answering machine into his office and a direct e-mail address for school committee use. Burt stressed the importance of keeping Ken’s direct director’s phone number and e-mail address for urgent or confidential school committee information only.


Nancy Ryan reported that the school will be receiving a 5 year, 1 million dollar anonymous gift that is specified for annual giving, projects and paving of the driveway.  This donor specifically stated that none of this gift is for endowment.  A second  2-year anonymous gift of a half million dollars has also been given to the school, slated for annual giving/projects and needs, and endowment.  Both of these gifts will be prepaid, allowing Scattergood to reap the benefits of investment.  A third donation of $25,000 has recently been given for the endowment.  Nancy emphasized that the donors and their Attorneys insist that these gifts remain anonymous.


Nominating Committee – George handed out a list of this year’s subcommittee and their members. The School Committee approved Burt Kisling as Clerk.  Burt noted that the school committee wants to encourage any and all interested staff members to feel free to attend the School Committee Meetings.  George Welch shared that the Consultation  Committee is a sounding board for Ken and Burt for concerns to be brought to the attention of the School Committee.


Financial Report – Ken passed out copies of the School’s latest statement of income and expense.  The budget reflects suggested changes as follows:  net tuition up approximately $10,000, the Measey Foundation down $6,500, and payroll costs up $5,000.  The School Committee approved these budget changes.


Ken passed out copies of the audit report for the year ending June 30, 1999.  The School ended up with an operating surplus instead of a deficit from last year (the school received a year end anonymous $50,000.00 gift).  Committee members will review this document and approve it as a statement of the School’s financial position at the next meeting.


Ken passed out a proposal for spending and investing the generous gifts that will be coming soon.  Besides the exceptions listed below, these money amounts will not replace the dollar amounts in the budget.  The proposed plan specifies how much of the donated money will go towards the approved budget amounts specific categories.  After a thorough explanation of the plan, Ken was commended for the work and thought that went into the plan.  The School Committee approved this plan for the spending and investment of the 1.5 million dollars.


As a part of the plan, the School Committee also approved paying the two years of endowment commitment ($100,000 total) this first year, rather than over two years.  The School Committee approved amending the budget to include funds to provide outside entrances for the boys and girls dorm sponsor apartments (($9,000).  The School Committee approved making an internal loan of $185,000 from future year’s monies to enable the cash financing of the staff 4-plex. This amount would need to be raised from other sources before the 2003-2004 school year to avoid borrowing money and paying interest.   The School Committee approved spending $2,000 to replace the hand painted highway signs with new metal signs.  These metal signs will hold up to the weather better.  The School Committee agreed to the doubling of the technology/equipment line item in the capital plan to $20,000.  


The proposal to purchase a van and a pickup generated considerable discussion on the School’s current vehicle situation and future transportation and snow removal needs, along with the suggestion of perhaps having to budget more than the $30,000 suggested for the two vehicles.  While the need to purchase one van was not disputed, the School Committee felt that more research was needed before a purchase of a second vehicle was made.  The School Committee agreed that the Facilities Committee and the Consultation Committee would decide on the second vehicle, and enable a purchase before the next School Committee meeting.



Technology Report – Jeff reported that Ken had presented a recommendation to purchase additional computers for staff and teacher use at the time of Iowa Yearly Meeing, as budgeted in the capital plan.  Jeff reported that the committee agreed upon this recommendation, and the computers have been ordered.  Jeff also mentioned that there has been some recent research and discussion about using laptop computers in schools, rather than desktops for students, and that this discussion should continue.


Enrollment Update – Dena Miller was not able to personally present the figures due to a prospective family’s visit on campus today.  The demographic and enrollment breakdown information was handed out.



School Committee Meeting DatesThe following dates were approved for the next year’s meetings: December 4th, January 22, the weekend of March 24-26 for retreat (more detailed information will be decided later), May 13th and July 15th.  IYM will meet at Scattergood July 25-30.


Development Committee – Bruce handed out a report for review.  Nancy shared that she has been working on a broadened invitation to the local community to attend Scattergood Day, advertising with the new television station to reach out to 5 day boarders and day students, and that staff have started the implementation stage of the long range plan.  The annual fund drive will start in mid October.  Nancy requested that members get in the habit of dating all documents.


The Blackbaud computer program has arrived, and it will result in better tracking of database information.  One of the exciting features it allows is tracking of relationships between different people so we can start to see the full complexity of family involvement in Scattergood.


Long Range Planning Committee - Dan offered a self critique of his involvement on the Long Range Planning Committee.  Members urged him to remain on the committee despite the complexity of the issue of long range planning.


Farm Committee – The Farm Committee met at the farm, took a tour of the buildings and grounds, and discussed various aspects of the farm operation and its future and potential. 


Legal Issues - Ken spoke about current legal issues.  ISACS recommends that the School reaffirm the mission statement on a yearly basis.  Our mission statement stands unchanged and the School Committee approved it. The non-discrimination statement, unchanged, was also approved.


ISACS made recommendations over the summer regarding minor insurance policy changes.  At their recommendation, we added coverage that strengthens our D & O (Director’s and Officers) coverage.  The policy is available for anyone who wishes to review it.


Barbara Barrett has been providing Scattergood with legal counsel as needed.  Currently we are billed only for time spent.  ISACS also offers legal counsel, and is more familiar with issues that schools face.  ISACS offers 15 minutes of free consultation for each issue before charging.  A retainer option is also available if we ever need it in the future.


Ken asked that the Human Resources Committee look at the staff handbook this year and get legal advice on any changes needed.  Especially important are the sections on grievances and termination of contracts.


The State of Iowa this year informed us of the requirement of annually designating a Level I investigator.  This investigator needs to be someone with no other ties to the school.  Ken will consult with ISACS regarding this issue.


All staff are expected to hold current certifications in CPR, first aid, medications disbursement, and mandatory abuse reporting.  We will be working on these certifications. The insurance company is really pushing the School to institute background checks for all new staff.  This would check for registered sexual offenders.  Will Hardy had the fire marshal out to the school to issue health and safety certifications.  A fire extinguisher company has checked all of the school’s fire extinguishers.


October 15th we need to submit proof of college acceptance.  The minimum requirement to 80 %, and we usually have 100% acceptance.


Burt raised a question on check writing.  Currently two signatures are required for all checks.  Ken, Jan Luchini, James O’Gorman, Burt and the clerk of the consultation committee can all sign.  The School Committee approved the decision to strike James O’Gorman from the check writing cards as he has left the employ of Scattergood.


Ken feels that the issue of partnered staff housing needs to be clarified and asked the Community and Spiritual Life Committee make this a high priority topic this year.  We need to consult with attorneys first before bringing this topic back to School Committee or raising it with IYM.


Announcements – Ken and Burt need notification when subcommittees plan to meet.


Margie passed around committee member information sheets for corrections.  The updated lists will be mailed out to all members.  Members were reminded to fill out travel and lodging expense forms.  If a member wishes to donate these expenses, please make out a personal check for the same amount.  This keeps the accounting cleaner.


Burt noted changes which had been approved during the last three years to the School Committee Rules.  Burt agreed to update the School Committee Rules with the changes approved by the SGSC.  It was suggested that new and/or changed school committee policies by attached..


Meeting Evaluation – Members were asked what worked or didn’t work during this meeting.  Bruce noted that he like the format of raising issues requiring committee approval during the director’s report, but not delving into the issue and making the approval until the subcommittee reports.


New members appreciated having the small meeting with Ken and Burt before the larger formal meeting.  They also liked getting information in the mail before the meeting for reviewing purposes.


Some members thought we should verbally say ‘approve’ instead of the more subtle nodding.


Many people liked the spending proposal and its clarity.


Ken stressed the importance of preserving the anonymity of the donors to the school, who are very concerned and insistent about retaining their anonymous status.


Development comments included praise for the longevity of employment of some key staff, the comment that even though the School is owned by IYM, ALL School Committee members have equal say regardless of their IYM affiliation.  The gifts are really a springboard for future growth.  Members need to keep in mind that the operating budget is still tight, and we still rely on our annual giving. 


Scattergood Friends School Committee closed with a moment of silence.