Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Peace and Social Concerns Committee. As we start to think
about our upcoming yearly meeting at the end of July, P&SC would like to support
you in your efforts to come prepared to renew our discussion regarding
immigration. I hope your monthly meetings found the materials I sent (and
supplemented at mid-year) helpful.
We have already heard from two monthly meetings that have scheduled discussions
on this issue. Des Moines Valley hosted Ann Naffier from AFSC, and another
monthly meeting included it in their regularly scheduled peace and social
concerns post meeting discussions. This year, Eastern Iowa Gathering is hosting
a guest speaker to help Whittier, West Branch and Iowa City learn more about the
issue as well.
Of course scheduling is always difficult. One monthly meeting was able to have a
separate presentation, but if this impossible for you, another solution might be
an adult First Day session with the materials we distributed as a starting point
for discussion. And, as always, both AFSC and FCNL have excellent, trustworthy
resources on the subject.
Peace and Social Concerns is dedicated to fulfilling our charge to help the
yearly meeting become educated on this issue. We plan to hold a special
discussion/interest focus for everyone at yearly meeting during the week. We
want to make sure there is a place and a time for all of us to bring to the
yearly meeting all of the questions and thoughtful responses from your monthly
meeting discussions. P&SC will be asking the YM to consider action on
immigration in their report at the end of the week.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist you in your
journey on this matter.