Yearly meeting officers must be members of one of the monthly meetings of the yearly meeting. All officers are approved by the yearly meeting to serve for the coming year. For current committee members, click here.
The clerk presides over the business of the yearly meeting at annual sessions, recording the sense of those sessions in the form of written minutes with the help and approval of those present. The clerk sets the agenda for the business portion of annual sessions. In addition to the time necessary to hear the reports from the various committees of the yearly meeting, the clerk must take care to allow adequate time for discussion and discernment around any items of business brought forth by the yearly meeting or by one or more of the monthly meetings.
The clerk signs communications and documents as directed by the yearly meeting. Any official documents relating to the property or legal matters of the yearly meeting are signed by the trustees. The clerk receives all communication for the yearly meeting, and acts as a conduit to disseminate information to the various committees and monthly meetings.
Prior to annual sessions, the clerk sends requests to each of the monthly meetings and standing committees, apprising them of any reports or appointments that must be prepared or made for annual sessions.
The assistant clerk aids the clerk as asked, and presides over business at annual sessions in cases where the clerk cannot be present or has a conflict of interest or strong personal opinion on a particular item of business before the yearly meeting. In current practice, the assistant clerk selects query responses to be read in yearly meeting sessions and selects a quotation for the beginning of each business session.
The yearly meeting treasurer has the care of all funds for the operation of the yearly meeting. The treasurer pays out of the funds such amounts as are directed by the yearly meeting or by Interim Meeting if yearly meeting is not in session. The treasurer prepares an annual report to be read at annual sessions and included in the printed minutes. The books of the treasurer are audited annually by the Audit Committee appointed by yearly meeting.
The assistant treasurer performs duties as assigned by the treasurer, and must be familiar with the location of records and bank accounts, in order to be able to perform the duties of the treasurer, should the treasurer be unavailable.
The statistical recorder keeps a record of the number of members in the monthly meetings of the yearly meeting and the changes in membership. The recorder receives the reports from the monthly meetings and prepares a yearly statistical report to be read at annual sessions and included in the minutes of the yearly meeting.
Each monthly meeting appoints two representatives to serve on yearly meeting Ministry and Counsel Committee. Members serve for three years with one third of the committee appointed each year. The term begins at the close of the yearly meeting session of the year in which they are appointed.
It is the responsibility of the clerk of M&C Committee to keep a list of the current members and in the spring to notify the clerks of monthly meetings of the names of those members whose term is ending. The monthly meeting then needs either to reappoint or to replace its representative and send that information to the clerk of yearly meeting Ministry and Counsel Committee. That clerk forwards the new list of yearly meeting Ministry and Counsel Committee members to yearly meeting Nominating Committee so that these names will appear in the Yearly Meeting Minutes with the list of other standing committees.
Each year at the yearly meeting sessions, the Ministry and Counsel Committee appoints its clerk and assistant clerk who preside at its meetings and keep the minutes for the coming year. Yearly meeting Ministry and Counsel Committee meets during yearly meeting sessions. During the year, Ministry and Counsel Committee meetings may be held at the call of its clerk.
It is important that each monthly meeting be represented at Ministry and Counsel Committee meetings during yearly meeting sessions. If neither monthly meeting member is able to attend the annual sessions, the monthly meeting is urged to name a substitute.
The yearly meeting Ministry and Counsel Committee helps foster the spiritual life and good order of the yearly meeting and monthly meetings, considering all matters having reference to spiritual needs of the members of the yearly meeting community.
The Committee:
- Receives and reads the State of the Meeting reports from the monthly meetings and forwards them to the yearly meeting clerk to be read in yearly meeting sessions
- Prepares and presents to yearly meeting an annual report of the work and concerns of the committee
- Cares for the spiritual life and good order of the annual sessions of the yearly meeting, endeavoring to make it a fulfilling experience for all participants, especially for newcomers and visitors
- Provides counsel and aid to the clerks of yearly meeting
- Provides care and counsel to any monthly meeting or individual, as needed
- Assists monthly meetings in organizing, recognizing, and laying down worship groups and monthly meetings
- Addresses concerns requiring consideration which may arise within yearly meeting sessions
Many of the responsibilities for nurturing spiritual lives are similar to those of the monthly meeting ministry and counsel committees; both assist members and attenders to deepen their spiritual lives.
Prior to the annual sessions, each monthly meeting shall appoint two Friends to serve as representatives at yearly meeting sessions. Their first meeting shall take place before the first business session.
Duties are to:
- select its own clerk
- attend the sessions of yearly meeting and meetings of the representatives committee
- name a person to call for the opening of business at the first session
- name readers to assist the clerks at yearly meeting
- offer names for yearly meeting approval to serve on the Exercise, Epistle, Special Replies, and Auditing Committees, and as yearly meeting Reporters
- suggest a budget and the amount to be raised by apportionment from the monthly meetings for the coming year (Apportionments are not based strictly on numbers of members, but are discerned by the representatives who are familiar with both their meetings’ financial situations and the yearly meeting’s needs.)
- offer names for yearly meeting approval for clerk, assistant clerk, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and statistical recorder
- name a person to break meeting for worship on First Day
- suggest a time and place for the following year’s annual sessions
Other duties may be designated by yearly meeting. The representatives report at the closing session of yearly meeting regarding the fulfillment of the above duties.
Preceding yearly meeting, one to two caretakers are appointed from each monthly meeting. It is important that those appointed attend all of the sessions of the yearly meeting, or find a substitute if that is not possible. One caretaker is appointed from the Entertainment Committee in order to coordinate information regarding rooms needed for committee meetings and interest groups. The caretakers consult with the appropriate person at the hosting community regarding availability of rooms and facilities.
It is important that appointed caretakers meet as a group before the first business session of yearly meeting. The person appointed from the Entertainment Committee usually coordinates the first meeting of the committee.
The caretakers are responsible for:
- seeing that the meeting rooms and common areas are clean and ready for use each day
- assigning rooms where committee meetings will be held
- posting the schedule of each day1s events and where meetings will be held
- seeing that someone is responsible for ringing the bell before the beginning of each business and plenary session
- providing fresh water for the clerks and readers at business sessions, as well as for speakers at evening programs
- providing water and cups for Junior Yearly Meeting and in common areas as needed
- checking restrooms for supply needs each day
Other duties may be assigned by the yearly meeting.
Well in advance of yearly meeting sessions, each monthly meeting appoints a person to serve on the Nominating Committee. Before annual sessions, each member of the Nominating Committee checks with members of their own monthly meeting who are currently serving on a yearly meeting standing committee or who would be potential nominees, to explore their willingness and ability to serve.
This committee meets during yearly meeting sessions. The duty of this committee is to suggest names for approval by yearly meeting, for members of yearly meeting standing committees and representatives to other organizations. Yearly meeting Nominating Committee takes care to include representation from the various monthly meetings in appointments to yearly meeting committees. Other duties may be assigned by the yearly meeting.
Some committees serve only during annual sessions. Members are proposed by Representatives and approved by yearly meeting during the first session of annual meeting. Details about the duties of these committees are kept by the clerk of the yearly meeting, and distributed to the committees when they are appointed.
Readers assist the clerks by reading various reports and epistles as requested by the clerks. These Friends should be able to read well and speak clearly.
Exercise Committee is charged with writing down the vocal messages that arise out of worship during annual sessions. A written report is published in the minutes.
Epistle Committee drafts an epistle “to Friends Everywhere” about our annual sessions, which is sent to other yearly meetings. They are also asked to write special epistles to each of other two Conservative yearly meetings.
Special Replies Committee drafts a letter to Friends who usually attend, but are not able to be present at the current annual sessions. The letter shares highlights of the week and sends greetings and love to Friends.
Yearly Meeting Reporters write a short report of the highlights of yearly meeting sessions and submits it to appropriate publications, such as Friends Journal.
Auditing Committee consists of Friends with knowledge of bookkeeping. Their job is to review the treasurer’s books and make sure they are in order. They complete their work and submit a report before the treasurer’s report is presented.
Readers assist the clerks by reading various reports and epistles as requested by the clerks. These Friends should be able to read well and speak clearly.
Exercise Committee is charged with writing down the vocal messages that arise out of worship during annual sessions. A written report is published in the minutes.
Epistle Committee drafts an epistle “to Friends Everywhere” about our annual sessions, which is sent to other yearly meetings. They are also asked to write special epistles to each of other two Conservative yearly meetings.
Special Replies Committee drafts a letter to Friends who usually attend, but are not able to be present at the current annual sessions. The letter shares highlights of the week and sends greetings and love to Friends.
Yearly Meeting Reporters write a short report of the highlights of yearly meeting sessions and submits it to appropriate publications, such as Friends Journal.
Auditing Committee consists of Friends with knowledge of bookkeeping. Their job is to review the treasurer’s books and make sure they are in order. They complete their work and submit a report before the treasurer’s report is presented.
Details of the functions of these committees should be kept in writing by the committee clerks to provide to committee members and succeeding clerks.
Archives Committee is charged with collecting and preserving publications, documents, and records important to yearly meeting.
Document Committee reads epistles and other correspondence received by yearly meeting and selects items to be read at annual sessions.
Entertainment Committee is charged with planning, coordinating, and making arrangements for non-business activities at annual sessions. This includes evening programs, meals, child care, and hospitality. Nominating Committee names the monthly meetings charged with this responsibility, in a three year rotation, and suggests a convener. The committee members are appointed by those meetings.
Junior Yearly Meeting Committee plans and coordinates activities during annual sessions for children entering first through eighth grade.
Young Friends Planning Committee plans and coordinates activities during annual sessions for high school age Friends.
Young Adult Friends Planning Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating activities for post high school age young adult Friends.
Interim Meeting serves in order to make possible official action of yearly meeting that is necessary between annual sessions. Yearly meeting appoints ten Friends to this body each year, each for a term of three years. The committee should include representation from all monthly meetings. The committee meets during Midyear Meeting and may call a special meeting whenever such a request is made to its clerk by four or more of its members or by the yearly meeting clerk. Interim Meeting keeps minutes of all its proceedings and presents them annually to yearly meeting. All members are to be notified of called meetings. Attendance of at least ten members is required to transact business. If it is known that a member of Interim Meeting will not be able to attend a session, that member’s monthly meeting may appoint a substitute. The Interim Meeting may draw on the treasury of yearly meeting such sums as may be necessary to conduct the business of yearly meeting.
Book Table Committee makes arrangements for books and other publications of interest to Friends, to be available for sale at annual sessions.
Midyear Meeting Planning Committee plans and makes arrangements for the program, facilities, child care and meals for Midyear Meeting
Midyear Meeting Jr. Yearly Meeting and Young Friends Committee plans and coordinates activities for yearly meeting youth during Midyear Meeting.
Publications Committee is charged with producing the electronic and print publications of yearly meeting, most notably minutes of each annual session and Faith and Practice, and maintaining the yearly meeting website.
Peace and Social Concerns Committee meets during annual sessions, Midyear Meeting, and at other times at their discretion. They bring to yearly meeting business sessions or Interim Meeting drafts of letters to public officials, or may request that the yearly meeting take action on a specific issue. This committee has a budget out of which they can made donations to other organizations. The Earthcare Subcommittee of the Peace and Social Concerns committee provides a focus and shares resources for Friends’ concern with preserving the bounty of God’s creation.
Pendle Hill Scholarship Committee reviews applications and may award scholarships to Friends attending Pendle Hill programs.
Religious Education Committee receives reports from the various monthly meeting religious education committees and creates asummary report to yearly meeting. They may also respond to requests from monthly meetings for help in finding materials for religious education for children or adults.
Scattergood Friends School Committee is charged with the overall responsibility for operation of the school. This includes hiring a Director, setting policies, fiduciary care, and providing vision and long range planning. Note: The school committee usually includes representatives appointed by other nearby yearly meetings.
Special Needs Committee is responsible for addressing the needs of those Friends whose physical condition may place limits on their ability to participate in annual sessions.
Yearly Meeting Trustees are appointed by yearly meeting to care for the property and legal matters of the yearly meeting. The trustees appoint the Scattergood Friends School Foundation Trustees. Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative) operates as a corporation, not for profit, under the laws of Iowa.
Scattergood Friends School Foundation Trustees are charged with the protection of funds and other property given to SFS as endowment. Duties include maintenance and investment of funds, and distribution of income to the school. The Foundation Trustees are appointed by yearly meeting Trustees.
Representatives to Outside Committees Nominating Committee may be asked to suggest representatives to various organizations designated by yearly meeting. Some of these organizations are described in Appendix C. Yearly meeting funds may be budgeted to help appointed representatives with meeting expenses.
source Faith and Practice