Scattergood Friends School Committee

Approved Minutes - May 10, 1997



The School Committee met on Saturday, May 10, 1997, at 9:00 am on the Scattergood Friends School campus.


The meeting opened with a period of silence.  Members present included:  Burt Kisling, Ron Knight, Nancy Peterson, John Neff, Richard Johnson, Joe Davison, Lucy Hansen, Dana Harr, Dan Treadway  Staff members present included:  Ken Hinshaw, Nancy Ryan, Karla Hanson, Maryellen Lamson, and guest, Lyn Cope-Robinson


The April minutes were reviewed, revised and approved. 


Ken Hinshaw presented the Director’s Report.

Academics:  Students were busy with week-long trips between blocks 7 and 8 and preparing for their final block of the year.  The seniors spent trip week on campus building a deck outside the student lounge.  After a successful year of managing the Senior Store, they were able to donate $700 to the purchase of building materials.  Maryellen Lamson, Academic Coordinator, has been busy working on the curriculum guide and doing academic credit checks for the students.  All of the seniors have been accepted into colleges or universities.  Juniors took the SAT’s and seniors have been busy completing their 20-page research papers.  Lyn Cope-Robinson came to Scattergood to teach sophomores and seniors from her book, The Little Quaker Sociology Book. Instruction Committee convenor, Richard Johnson, will be working closely with Maryellen on the ISACS evaluation this fall.


Spiritual and Community Life:  It was a good spring, even with the usual struggle with spring fever.  A surprise workday was held and a great deal of work was accomplished, followed by ice cream on the deck.  There were a few disciplinary problems, with one leading to the expulsion of a student who had been admitted at midyear.  The annual freshmen dinner and sophomore breakfast were fun activities.  Several staff members attended Mid-Year Meeting.  Unfortunately, most of the students were on trips that week and could not attend.


Facilities:  Ken reported that he and Will had focused primarily on the preparation of the 1997-98 Capital Plan.  The Facilities Committee met and helped set priorities for the funding and planning of the work to be done next fiscal year. John Neff presented a written report for the Facilities Committee.  A list of projects was distributed and reviewed (see attached).  The School Committee approved the 1997-98 Capital Plan.  In the meantime work around the campus included grounds care, planting a new tree in the basin and Meeting House improvements (done through the IYM Trustees).  Dwight Schumm joined the committee as a consultant.  Ron Knight brought up the need to have a part-time person to assist Will with day-to-day projects and to coordinate volunteers.


Farm:   Animal and plant care has kept Belle, farm crew, and the horticulture class busy.  The fruit trees have flowered, and the Fawcett’s have planted the corn.  Various building improvements are complete and the farm is looking better than ever.   The pros and cons of beekeeping were discussed.  There are no present plans to begin this project.


Finances:  The Consultation Committee met on May 9 and reviewed the financial reports.  Little has changed on a percentage basis since the April meeting.  Ken and business manager, Jan Luchini, expect the school to break even again this year, with the exception of the $20,000 “campaign advance.”  Ken acknowledged the great job Jan does in keeping the financial records for Scattergood in order.  He also talked about empowering the staff next year with spending within a budget in their own particular areas.  Due to the earlier date of Iowa Yearly Meeting, the audit will not be completed in time.  Burt distributed a copy of the approved capital expenditure policy for 1997. The policy was discussed and one minor grammar change was made.  The School Committee approved the Capital Expenditure Policy effective May 10, 1997.  The Committee agreed that the accessibility of contingency funds will be reviewed each year during the May meeting.    


Development:  Nancy Ryan talked about the success of the Phonathon, thanks in great part to the work of Ardith Tjossem in coordinating the event.  Approximately $10,250 was pledged in only five nights of calling.  The first official meeting of the Advancement Council will take place in DesMoines at the end of May.  Nancy, Dan Treadway and Bruce Rohwer will attend this meeting which will be hosted by Barbara Gittenstein, Provost of Drake University and parent of student Pauline Hart.  A Foundation update will happen at the July School Committee meeting.  Board training information will also be presented.


Admissions and Enrollment:  We continue to anticipate opening the next academic year with full enrollment.  It is conceivable that every non-senior wants to return next year and will be invited back.  A color poster has been developed and will be used as a marketing tool.  Dena Miller was commended for all the work she has done in promoting the school and recruiting quality students.   She was instrumental in beginning the accreditation process with ISACS and is currently working on a new promotional video due out this fall. 


Staffing:  We have had some extra help this last month from intern, Kalle Granath, from Sweden and Yolanda Rios, mother of 4-year student Karla Rios from Mexico City and first-time visitor to Scattergood.   Three staff members (Nick Lavine, Lyn MacGregor and Gustav Ryberg) will be leaving next year.  Four new people have been hired.  While we see staff members come and go each year, Ken pointed out the longevity of some of the staff.  These include James O’Gorman, Jan Luchini, and Hans Niehus.


Nominating Report:  Dana Harr presented the committees recommendation that IYM appoint a minimum of 2 (and up to 5) people to the School Committee.  The Committee reviewed the time left on each persons term and reviewed who will continue serving on the Committee.  Carol Spaulding will not be returning.  Members were asked to give careful consideration of people who will be committed to serve and for those who would fit well into specific subcommittees.  Presently we have 3 co-opted members and can appoint as many as four.


Evaluation of Sub-Committees:  Sub-committee convenors were asked to prepare a list of highlights of the work completed this year and mail this report to Burt at least three weeks prior to the July meeting.  This information will be used in the IYM report which Ken will be preparing.  The farm report is separate and will be prepared by the Farm Manager.


The possibility of raising the amount contributed by IYM was discussed.  Presently IYM donates $22,000 per year.  This covers the tuition costs of approximately 1-1/2 students.  The committee considered asking for $27,000 this year - the cost of two tuitions.  No final decisions were made on this matter.


After brunch the committee met briefly in the Social Room to meet with the senior class.  The seniors told the committee a little bit about themselves and where they will be going to college.  There were 14 seniors:  Michelle Churylo, Dylan Isaac, Meghan Peterson-McCoy, Michael Miller, Melissa Pena, Karla Rios, Keith Rutledge, Dana Smith, Russell Gibbons, Erika Reimer, Hector Vega, Ana Fernandez, Camilla Scott, Naima Solomon.


The committee went into executive session at 1:30 to discuss the Director Evaluation.


The meeting concluded at 3:00 p.m. with a moment of silence.


Karla Hanson

Recording Clerk