Scattergood Friends School Committee

Minutes  9/30/2000


The School Committee met on Saturday, September 30th at 9:00 am at Scattergood Friends School.  The Meeting began with an Executive Session. 

The general meeting opened with a moment of silence at 9:30 am.  Members present were Lucy Hansen, Burt Kisling, Bob Winchell, Anita Richards, Richard Johnson, Jeff Kisling, Ron Knight, Bruce Rohwer, Bob Rye, Dan Treadway, George Welch and Perry-O Sliwa.  Staff members present included Nan Fawcett, Margie Figgins, Ken Hinshaw, Nancy Ryan, and Joey and Sarah Giffen-Hunter.  David Rossell joined the meeting at a later time. 

Absent:  Joe Davison, Barb Garlinghouse, Jim Kenney and Lowell Wilson.

The minutes from the July 15, 2000 meeting were approved with changes.

Lucy and Burt will share clerk responsibilities during this meeting.  Lucy summarized a letter from Donnie Morehouse in which he resigned from the committee.

Depending on who is present, Jeff or Anita will serve as recording clerk.  The committee expressed it's thanks to Margie for doing this for recent years.

Director's Report   Ken

Academics  The response of parents to the laptop computer program has been positive with a single exception.  The rollout of the computers in early October will be somewhat downplayed to allow students and staff time to explore how they will be integrated into the academic and community life of the school.  This has been and will continue to be the subject of staff and student meetings.  Grant-Wood has expressed interest in Scattergood's laptop computer program, and the media will be invited to the school at a later date.  A rider to the school's insurance policy covers replacement of damaged laptop computer screens.

Spiritual/community life  The schedule of the first block was changed to allow more time to discuss community issues and what it means to be a student at Scattergood.  Staff explored educational issues, such as how to educate someone to become a life long learner.

Two incidents resulted in the arrest of students in Iowa City.  Nan described how these situations are used as community building experiences.  A new process requires each offender to speak to the community.  Ken discussed the discipline process.  There was discussion of protecting student privacy versus who needs to be notified in such situations.  The school committee clerk must be notified, which didn't occur with these incidents.

Ken presented the idea of the school paying students for work beyond/separate from crew work;  not for approval but to see how the committee felt.  He expressed frustration that the usual process of first addressing such an idea with a subcommittee had not happened because the spiritual/community life subcommittee had not met.  Partially because of this, he suggested the subcommittee structure be changed, with the formation of ad-hoc committees of people with interest and expertise in subjects requiring attention as the need arose.  The committee felt that, although there were often problems in finding times to meet, most subcommittees function well, allowing people to gain experience in areas of interest to them, and providing continuity.  There will be no changes in the use of  subcommittees, other than making the technology subcommittee a permanent committee (see below).

Arguments for paying students for additional work include (1) not all the work needed by the school can be provided by crews, (2) some students either need or would like additional money for transportation, etc.  and (3) day students have opportunities for this that boarding students are denied.  While there was some feeling this might work if the differences between this and crews were somehow clearly defined, others were very concerned that the concept of work crews would be undermined.  Ken and Nan will discuss this further, and decide if they want to pursue it with the spiritual/community life subcommittee.

Another issue related to spiritual/community life was initiated by a student.  Ken will look into the possibility of exchanging staff with other Friends boarding schools.

Long range plan availability/updates

Prior to meeting with the school staff, Jeff suggested the online (Web) version of the long range plan (LRP) be made available on QuakerNet so (1) it is easier to find, (2) others can read it and (3) Scattergood staff as well as school committee members will be able to submit updates to their action steps.  Until now, the online version of the plan was not generally available.

Updates are sent by clicking on the link on the page, which opens an email message addressed to Joe Davison.  After Joe reviews the update, he will forward it to Jeff, who will update the web page.  This way all updates to the plan will be available in one place.  This process is for updating action steps only.  Changes to the goals and objectives of the LRP require school committee approval.

Committee/staff Introductions

The school staff and school committee introduced themselves to each other.  Burt briefly reviewed the reasons for the long range plan, and told the staff of it's availability online.

Technology   Jeff/David

Jeff presented the technology report.  A great deal of work has been done in preparation for the laptop computer program.  David discussed software that will be used to monitor Internet access for patterns of inappropriate use.  (see the responsible use policy).

Facilities Committee   Ron

Ron discussed the facilities committee recommendation to change the exterior of the 4 plex from vinyl siding to stucco, citing stucco involves greater insulation and should pay for the increased cost ($10,000) in reduced energy costs.

Consultation Committee   George/Dan

Subcommittee assignments were distributed and approved.

After discussion of the ad-hoc status of the technology subcommittee, the school committee recommends changing the school committee rules to make the technology subcommittee a permanent subcommittee.  

h. Technology Committee. This subcommittee is responsible for reviewing and recommending changes in school policy that pertain to the use of technology, primarily computer hardware and software, for education, business and community life at the school in a manner consistent with Friends values and practices. This includes maintaining faculty and staff computers, and the school's computer network infrastructure and servers, as well as policies concerning acceptable use. This committee works with the academic committee on issues related to staff training, technical competencies for staff and students, and integration of technology into the academic program. This committee maintains a written technology plan that encompasses this, which is reviewed at least annually.

This proposal must be reconsidered at the next school committee meeting.

The report of the review audit of the school was distributed for review and approval at the next school committee meeting.  This year there will be a full audit.

This year's budget was discussed.  The Iowa Yearly Meeting contribution to the school is now included in the scholarships category.  There is a substantial increase in tuition revenue this year.  It was noted that money to pay for laptop computers is shown as tuition.  This is because a tuition increase was approved prior to approval of the laptop computer program.  When the laptop program was approved, it was decided to charge a fee for use/purchase of a laptop for each student as part of the tuition cost, instead of the previously approved tuition increase, this year.

Changes to the 2000-2001 budget were approved.

Ken then discussed the capital budget.  Costs for the 4 plex septic system, landscaping/earthmoving and the pond are higher than budgeted.  The facilities committee recommends changing the exterior from vinyl siding to stucco, which will add $10,000 to the building cost, but should pay for itself in reduced energy costs.  The Development Director needs cost estimates of different parts of the building project, so she can target donors for specific needs.  There were also additional costs related to the computer/wireless networks. 

The 2000-2001 capital budget was approved, including basic capital needs, technology/laptop program,  outdoor lighting and signs, and the increased costs of the pond, landscaping/earthmoving and 4 plex, including the stucco exterior, with the exception of all other capital project funds, which are on hold until specific funds are available.

Lucy Hansen, as the new school committee clerk, will replace Burt Kisling on all school signature cards, including bank and Westwood accounts.

Enrollment update

53 students, 34 boys and 19 girls.  4 of the boys are day students or five-day boarders.

School directories and calendar

Were distributed.  Ken explained key staff members now have cell phones, facilitating communication, and told committee members they were welcome to contact him on his cell phone for important calls when he could not be reached by other means.

Iowa Yearly Meeting (C) Update   Jeff

Strengthening the relationships between Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative) and the school has been identified as a major part of the external agenda of the long range plan.  The attached report summarizes an email discussion group with members of IYM Monthly Meetings related to Scattergood and Quaker Education, and the related special interest session that occurred during the Yearly Meeting sessions this summer.  A number of ideas were advanced, including summer workshops at the school for young people/Friends, tours and activities related to the school during Yearly Meeting sessions, and the possibility of a midwest Pendle Hill.  The committee would like to see this discussion continue, especially within the Monthly Meetings, to see what specific projects should be developed.

Development Committee   Bruce/Nancy

Bruce presented the development committee report, and described the capabilities of the Blackbaud database software which tracks donor information.  Nancy said she was working with Philip Lightstone to keep related information in other school databases, such as current addresses, up to date.

After discussion of designated gifts, the following minute was approved:

Donations designated for specific capital projects will be deposited in a separate interest bearing account.

The committee discussed the importance of publishing the school newsletter on a regular schedule.  Ken described the series of staff problems that resulted in no newsletter being published since late 1999.

Nancy is going to be working on grant writing as well as planned giving.

Donations to the school have increased 46% above those during the capital campaign, and 68% above the year prior to the capital campaign.

Long range plan update   Ken

Each staff member has received a copy of the school's long range plan.  As mentioned above, staff and student discussions during the first block related to various aspects of the LRP, including peer culture and the school's educational philosophy.  Also, as mentioned above, the school staff were told of the web site for the LRP, where all the action steps will be maintained/updated.

Mission statement/Non discrimination policy

The school committee reaffirms the school's mission statement and non discrimination policy.


The school is working on a swimming policy for the pond.  Until then, the policy is no swimming.

Ken distributed proposed changes in the Scattergood Friends School Foundation Agreement, for discussion at the next meeting.

This year's requirement to maintain ISACS accreditation is a progress report regarding implementation of the long range plan (due in March).

It was agreed that development should continue on the Web site for Scattergood Friends School Committee business.


Action steps Responsibility Status
LRP available on Web Jeff Content exist, requires new links on QuakerNet
Implement LRP action steps All subcommittees and school staff Submit updates to Joe (links available on LRP web pages)
Make technology a permanent committee SFSC Review proposed rule change for next meeting
Update signature cards Recording clerk Pending
Monthly meeting discussion of Quaker Education Development committee Ongoing
Coordinate data in databases Nancy, Walter, Philip Ongoing
Create separate account for designated gifts Ken  
Full audit of school accounts Ken Will be done this year
Publish newsletter Ken, school staff Ongoing
Pond swimming policy Ken, school staff Started
Changes in SFS Foundation Agreement SFSC Review for next meeting
ISACS Accreditation Ken, LRP committee, SFSC Perform and report implementation of LRP
SFSC Web site Jeff, SFSC Site created, discuss use



Respectfully submitted,


Jeff Kisling

Recording clerk