Mission Statement

Scattergood Friends School challenges students with a relevant academic curriculum, farm experience, a shared work program, and community living in the spirit of Quaker faith.



27 July 2010



Present:  Ruth Dawson, Debbie Galusha (clerk), Frank Griffith, Lucy Hansen, Phil Henderson, Lorene Ludy, Callie Marsh, Dan Schlitt, Steve Tamari, Sylvia Sanford, Doyle Wilson, Bob Winchell


Absent: George Bergus, Allan Winder, Russ Leckband, Dan Treadway


Faculty Present: Christine Ashley, Nicole Wolf-Camplin, Mark Quee, Dana Foster



The meeting opened with silent worship. The clerk read the following quotation: “A Friends school offers the chance to share in a community’s struggle to transmute an ideal into human fact.” Friends Counsel on Education


Minute: We approved the minutes of the last meeting with two changes, one a spelling error. The November meeting will be on November 6, not the 4th.


Minute: We will hold a State of the School Meeting annually on the Friday evening before the January School Committee meeting.


Minute: With gratitude for the work those who presented the draft, we approve the following Mission Statement:

                        Scattergood Friends School challenges students with a

relevant academic curriculum, farm experience, a shared

work program, and community living in the spirit of Quaker faith.


Minute: We agree to ask the yearly meeting representatives for $50,000 this year, which represents the approximate tuition for two students. We much appreciate the Yearly Meeting’s contribution of $40,000 this year.


Minute: We offer our full support to Christine Ashley, Head, in actions she takes to address our current financial status.

Minute: We approve the clerk’s report from the School Committee to the Yearly Meeting sessions.


Minute: Ex-staff and parents of students can be appointed as members of the school committee one year after their formal association with the school has ended.


The November retreat will be planned by Sylvia, Doyle, and Steve.


The clerk closed the meeting in a timely manner with a brief time of silent worship. We look forward to our next meeting on 18 September 2010.


Callie Marsh, recording clerk