
15 July 2009

Conference Call

Present: George Bergus, Debbie Galusha, Frank Griffith, Lucy Hansen, Phil Henderson, Andrea Jilovec, Russ Leckband, Callie Marsh, Mike Resman, Dan Schlitt, Allan Winder, Bob Yeats

Absent: Sharon Haworth, Charity Muñoz, Sylvia Sanford, Dan Treadway, Doyle Wilson, Bob Winchell

Faculty Present: Ginny Winsor

The clerk opened the meeting with a short period of silent worship. We welcomed Ginny Winsor, our new Interim Head, who arrived on 6 July 2009, and Mike Resman, a new representative of Northern Yearly Meeting. Ginny updated us on admissions of new students, and the preparations for both the upcoming Yearly Meeting sessions, and the opening of the school year.

Our discussion focused on what we are looking for in a new Head of the School. If we are clear about our mission and vision, we will be more likely to find the person who meets our needs. Our most basic understanding of the School is that it is a Quaker institution, and it is a school. It is essential therefore that the Head be both a Quaker and an educator. The Head of the School should be vitally interested in both areas.

As we think about the School today, we understand Jan Luchini’s work as having consolidated and organized many areas of the School. We are now in a place where we might be ready for someone who brings innovation, creativity, expansion (not necessarily physical), and new frontiers to challenge us.

We are looking for someone who is personable and comfortable with the public, as well as someone who enjoys young people. We are looking for a leader, one who has his or her own sense of confidence and vision. We suggest that the serious applicants write a vision statement for the School both before and after their interviews. At the same time that we must communicate our vision for the School, we are also interested in the vision the candidates for Head might bring with them.

As we work on this we want to look at the mission statement, the vision as put forward by the Strategic Planning Committee, and the goals and objectives that we worked on articulating at our retreat in January 2009. In addition, we suggest that we read the job description for the Head and see if there are sections that might be delegated to others on the staff.

Debbie Galusha reported that she has had several responses to the advertisement on the website for the Friends Council on Education.

We adjourned, looking forward to meeting again, God willing, at the School on July 28 from 11 am – 4 pm.

Callie Marsh, recording clerk