24 January 2009

Present: Debbie Galusha, Lucy Hansen, Sharon Haworth, Phil Henderson, Andrea Jilovec, Russ Leckband, Callie Marsh, Charity Muñoz, Sylvia Sanford, Dan Schlitt, Dan Treadway, Allan Winder, Bob Winchell, Bob Yeats

Absent: George Bergus, Frank Griffith, Doyle Wilson

Staff Present; Margie Figgins, Bob Gutwein, Jan Luchini

We gathered in a timely manner with a few moments of quiet worship. The clerk read a quotation from George Fox, “may we walk cheerfully over the earth.”

We approved the minutes of the last meeting on 6 December 2008, with one correction. We changed the date for shadowing students to the correct one, 27 March 2009.

We accepted the financial report with appreciation for Jan’s steady leadership in these difficult economic times. We discussed options for covering our expenses for the coming months. Jan explained that the Scattergood Friends School Foundation’s policy does not allow a distribution to be made to the school at this time since the current book value and market value has more than a 10% difference. This is a loss of about $71,000 of budgeted income. Jan will explore various options and report to us at the next meeting.

We agreed to work on the long-range plan for the March meeting. The Human Resources Committee needs to update their job description, and Jan needs to re-work the future financial projections because of the shift in the economy.

Margie Figgins requested that we participate in the Friends Council on Education webinar on fund-raising on February 10 from 6-7:30 pm CST. We must let Margie know if we are able to participate so that she can register our computers. She recommends that we watch the archive of the presentation if we are unable to attend on February 10.

When school committee members need lodging at the Berquist House, let the office know if you are willing to share a room. This way the school could accommodate more people. The Marshes also have two extra bedrooms.

Bob Gutwein asks that anyone who has suggestions for someone who could speak with the girls about becoming women to speak with him.

He also asked us to fill out a form if we can participate in the plan to shadow students on March 27. Committee members will be ‘prospective students,’ spending part of the day as freshmen, and another part as seniors. The day will start with collection at 8:25 am. Bob invites us to join the regular meeting of the Spiritual and Community Life Committee from 5-6 pm on Friday evening.

Please let Bob know your plans for that date if you did not turn in a form so he knows how many people to expect. If it is impossible to attend on the 27th, please speak with Bob about setting up another day to shadow a student and visit while classes are in session.

Please read the information Bob has sent out on writing mission statements and email your vision of a mission statement to him in preparation for the March meeting.

Jennie Schmidt will be presenting survey results at our March meeting.

We approve extending Jan’s note of agreement for the school year 2009-2010. We approve a 3% increase in her salary.

We closed the meeting a little after the appointed time with a brief period of worship, to gather for our retreat facilitated by Bonnie Williams.

We look forward to meeting again on 28 March 2009 at 9 a.m., God willing.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Marsh, recording clerk

Upcoming events and meetings:

Retreat for SFSC shadowing a student through their classes, meals and crews, 27 March 2009 at 8:25 am for collection. Breakfast will be served at 7:40 am.

Spiritual and Community Life Committee Meeting, 27 March 2009 from 5 -6 pm. All are encouraged to attend.

SFSC meetings: 28 March 2009, 9 May 2009, 28 July 2009

Arts Fest: Saturday, 30 May 2009

Commencement: Sunday, 31 May 2009