17 May 2008
Proposed Minutes


George Bergus, Kirk Bragg, Debbie Galusha, Sharon Haworth, Russ Leckband, Lorene Ludy, Callie Marsh, Dan Treadway, Dan Schlitt, Doyle Wilson, Bob Winchell, Bob Yeats


Lucy Hansen, Mark Tomer

Faculty Present:

Jan Luchini, Margie Figgins, Joey Giffin-Hunter, Bob Gutwein, Amanda Edwards, Glenn Singer

Open Session

The clerk opened the meeting at the appointed time with a brief period of worship.

Sylvia Sanford has accepted our invitation to be a co-opted member of the SFSC. She will be happy to begin in July.

We approve the suggestion that Debbie Galusha write a letter to the nominating committee of Northern Yearly Meeting, asking them to nominate someone for SFSC. She will include a description of the expectations of the position, and her telephone number in case they have questions.

The recording clerk will send thank you notes to Joe Davison and Marge Schlitt for their generous service to the SFSC.

We approve the minutes of the last meeting with one correction.

We encourage the joint work of the Development, Farm and Facilities Sub-committees with the Head as we move toward the construction of new facilities at the farm. We approve the plan for two buildings, one for faculty housing, the other to house a farm office, processing room, a shop, a public restroom, and cold storage. We encourage the use of sustainable energy.

We encourage the Facilities Sub-committee to continue its research into harvesting wind energy for the school, and to work in conjunction with the Advancement Sub-committee and the Head of School.

We approve the financial reports with much appreciation for Jan's fiscal management skills.

We are pleased with Jan Luchini's work as Head of School, and the functioning of the school. We thank those who filled out evaluations, as they are helpful in our assessment of her work. We appreciate the ongoing work of the Human Resources Sub-committee in these matters.

The SFSC handbook requires that the original minutes of the SFSC and of the sub-committees be signed. We agree to change the handbook to omit the necessity of signing of the sub-committee reports. Because this is a change to the handbook, the recording clerk will send out written notice of said change within ten days of this meeting, and it will be brought forward at the next meeting for final approval. The minutes of the SFSC should be on acid-free paper. We will store the archives at the school for ten years. The clerk will investigate archiving records at the State Historical Society.

We approve for the second time the following three changes to the SFSC Handbook:

1. The wording about the summer budget.
2. The change of date for approving the budget.
3. Change in title from School Director to Head of School.
These changes are now in effect.

We approve the January 2008 version of the Long-Range Plan, with some editorial work to be done by the office staff.

We are not clear to change the name of the Instruction Building at this time.

We agree we would like to have a goal for the committee next year to work toward as a body in effort to improve our functioning and strengthen our bonds. We will continue to explore in July what that goal might be.

We approve the suggestion from the Farm Committee to change the use of 6 acres along I-80 from commercial crop land to organic food production.

We discussed with interest the reports of the Academic, Admissions, Consultation, Facilities, Farm, and Spiritual and Community Life Sub-committees. We appreciate the work the staff put into writing those reports. We encourage the sub-committees and the staff in their continuing efforts on behalf of the school.

In our evaluation of the meeting one person suggested that the clerk recognize people before they speak. Another suggested that we speak louder. We appreciate the clerk's energy and new ideas. The Head of the School thanked us for considering staff needs in our re-scheduling of their reports earlier in the day.

We closed the meeting in good time with some silent worship, looking forward to our meeting again, God willing, on 29 July 2008.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Marsh

Recording clerk