February 9, 2008
at Scattergood Friends School, near West Branch, Iowa.
Proposed Minutes


Kirk Bragg, Debbie Galusha, Lucy Hansen, Russ Leckband, Lorene Ludy, Callie Marsh, Dan Schlitt, Mark Tomer, Dan Treadway, Doyle Wilson, Bob Winchell and Bob Yeats


George Bergus, Sharon Haworth

We opened the meeting with some minutes of silent worship.

The clerk reminded us to notify Jan Luchini and herself if we cannot attend a meeting. Please let the school know if you will not be needing a room you have already reserved in the Berquist House. It is helpful if we all fill out our mileage form for Scattergood Friends School Committee meetings by the end of the meeting. We can check the box for a donation if we do not want to be reimbursed.

Minute: We approved the minutes of the last meeting with one correction.

Closed Meeting

Minute: We approve renewing Jan Luchini’s contract for 2008-2009. We approve a 5% increase in salary. Jan’s response to the evaluation last spring was positive. Her fiscal management, her long-range vision and grasp of the big picture are strengths for which we are most appreciative. We affirm Jan’s work, her growth, and are looking forward to continuing our work with her.

Open Meeting

Faculty present:

Joey Giffen-Hunter, Bob Gutwein, Jan Luchini, Carrie Marsh, Glenn Singer

Minute: We discussed expectations of the sub-committees. It is our responsibility to make sure that the sub-committees meet regularly. Each committee should appoint a convener, and if they wish, a recorder. The sub-committees should write minutes, and submit them to the Committee clerk, who will get them on the website.

Minute: Staff and committee members appreciated the work of Ken and Katherine Jacobsen in our retreat in January. We appreciate the work of the retreat planners. We ask that the Spiritual and Community Life Committee plan a project that will continue to build relationships between the staff and Scattergood Friends School Committee.

Minute: The Human Resource Committee shared with us their work on re-writing the director’s evaluation. They are preparing a statement to address the use of the information gathered through the evaluation process. This will be included with the questionnaire. They will also re-write the evaluation section in the Scattergood Friends Scattergood Committee Handbook. If School Committee members have suggestions for the questionnaires, they should get those to the Human Resources Committee. The Human Resource Committee plans to distribute the questions in April.

Minute: Jan shared with us the progress on the long-range plan. She will distribute the chapters to the appropriate sub-committees. We plan to have it ready for approval at the April meeting.

Minute: We approve the purchase of a tornado warning system as described by Jan. We encourage her to continue the work on the signage project.

Minute: We discussed the relationship between the School Committee and the Foundation Trustees. We approve the Consultation Committee recommending to the Yearly Meeting Trustees the names of Friends to fill two vacant positions on the Foundation Trustees. We would like to improve communication with the Foundation Trustees over time.

Minute: We approve the financial report, and are, as always, pleased with the state of the finances.

Minute: We heard and appreciated the reports of the Academic, Facilities, Development, Admissions, Farm, Spiritual and Community Life, and Technology Committees. We appreciate all the work that is happening and the planning for the future.

We closed the meeting with some silent worship, trusting that we will meet again on April 5, 2008.

Callie Marsh

Recording clerk