Scattergood Friends School Committee

5 April 2008
Proposed Minutes


George Bergus, Debbie Galusha, Lucy Hanson, Sharon Haworth, Russ Leckband, Lorene Ludy, Callie Marsh, Mark Tomer, Doyle Wilson, Bob Winchell, Bob Yeats


Kirk Bragg, Dan Schlitt

Faculty present:

Amanda Edwards, Margie Figgins, Joey Giffin-Hunter, Bob Gutwein, Jan Luchini, Glenn Singer

Open Session

The meeting opened with some moments of silent worship at the appointed hour.

We approved the minutes of the last meeting.

We approve co-opting Sylvia Sanford as a member of SFSC, beginning at the May 2008 meeting, running through the September 2010 meeting. The clerk will notify her.

Given that the Instruction Building now has only one classroom, the faculty have suggested the possibility of renaming it. We discussed the idea and will be thinking about possibilities.

We approve the recommendations for ISACS progress reports concerning the functions of the SFSC.

We approve the Financial Reports.

We approve changing Jan Luchini’s title from ‘Director’ to ‘Head of School.’ This change should be reflected immediately in external communications. We will change our internal documents gradually as they come up.

We approve changing the handbook to reflect that we will approve summer activities in March, without including the need to approve the budget for those activities, as the annual budget includes funding for those activities.

We heard and appreciated the Head of School’s report.

We heard reports from the Academic, Admissions Committee, the Advancement Committee, the Consultation Committee, the Facilities Committee, the Farm Committee, the Human Resources Committee, and the Spiritual and Community Life Committee. We appreciate the excellent work of these committees. The Clerk reminded the conveners to submit the notes from their meetings to her.

Margie Figgins invited us to participate in the phonathon on May 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, and15. She is planning to set up off-campus phoning sites, which may make participation for SFSC members more possible.

The meeting closed in good time. We look forward to meeting again, God willing, on 17 May 2008.

Callie Marsh

Recording clerk