
6 December 2008

Present: George Bergus, Debbie Galusha, Lucy Hansen, Sharon Haworth, Phil Henderson, Andrea Jilovec, Russ Leckband, Callie Marsh, Dan Treadway, Doyle Wilson, Allan Winder, Bob Yeats.

Absent: Frank Griffith, Charity Muñoz, Sylvia Sanford, Dan Schlitt, Bob Winchell.

Staff present: Margie Figgins, Bob Gutwein, Jan Luchini, Glenn Singer, Nicole Wolf-Camplin, Steve Wolf-Camplin.

We opened the meeting at the appointed time with a period of silent worship.

“This community consists of more than other human selves. We are also in community with the material world, with plants and animals, with God. Our human nature links us up and down that ‘great chain of being,’ with the divine in whose image we were created and with the earth through which that creation arose. We are but one link in that chain and our knowing must take account of all the other links. To live in ignorance or disdain of any of these connections is to put our own lives, and all other life, at peril.”

Parker Palmer (Know As We Are Known, 2nd edition, 1993, 57).

We approve the minutes of the October meeting.

The retreat planning subcommittee reported on the planned retreat for the January meeting. We will have the business meeting from 8-9 am Saturday. The retreat will begin Friday, January 23, and go from 7-9 p.m. It will continue on Saturday, January 24, 9:15-2 p.m.

We approve the financial statement with one correction that Jan will make.

We appoint the following people to a sub-committee to write a strategic plan for the school: Phil Henderson (convener), George Bergus, Debbie Galusha, Jan Luchini, and Allan Winder. They will bring a report to the May meeting. The clerk will contact the technology sub-committee to investigate setting up an online forum we can use to communicate with each other on an on-going basis.

The clerk reminds the sub-committee conveners to send reports to the clerk in a timely manner.

The clerk requests that we let her know by the Wednesday before a meeting if we cannot be present. It is important to know ahead of time if we do not have a quorum. In the event of needing to postpone a meeting for any reason, the clerk and head of school will call each school committee member of the schedule change, and to reschedule the meeting in the next week or two, if possible.

We request that the school send staff reports to us by the weekend before our meetings.

We will begin the next January meeting at 7 p.m. Friday night and continue the next morning at 8 a.m.

Our retreat in March will begin on Friday, March 23. Breakfast is served at 7:40, and collection is at 8:25. The day will be spent shadowing a student by attending classes, serving on crew, and sharing meals. We will then meet on Saturday from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

We appreciate how smoothly the meeting went today. We enjoyed the clerk’s opening with the quotation from Parker Palmer.

Respectfully submitted,

Callie Marsh

Recording clerk.