Scattergood Friends School Committee
May 12, 2007


Jeff Cox, Lucy Hansen, Sharon Haworth, Callie Marsh. Dan Schlitt, Mark Tomer, Dan Treadway, Bob Winchell, Bob Yeats


Kirk Bragg, Debbie Galusha, Eve Goodhue, Lorene Ludy, Mary K. Stillwell

Faculty Present:

Nan Fawcett, Margie Figgins, Joey Giffen-Hunter, Jan Luchini, Jennifer Warneke

The School Committee met at the appointed time at Scattergood Friends School. We opened with some moments of quiet worship.

The School Committee began its meeting in closed session to hear the preliminary report on the evaluation of the Director from Sharon Haworth of the Human Resources Committee.

The following minutes were approved in the open session.

Minute: We approve the minutes of the last meeting held on March 31, 2007.

Minute: We ask that the School Committee members think of names for possible new members from Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative). We would like to have at least six names for the nominating committee at the yearly meeting sessions, as it would be good to fill our maximum number of members. Jeff Cox, Dan Treadway, and Bob Winchell's terms are ending. We hope that they will be willing to accept a new term. If you have other suggestions, or if you are considering not continuing your term, please let the Consultation Committee (Bob Yeats, Dan Treadway and Callie Marsh) know.

Minute: We approve the addition of .5 American literature credit and of .25 world literature credit to the requirements for humanities. This change will take effect for the class of 2010.

Minute: We commend and appreciate Jennifer Warneke's work for the school over the last five years. We will miss her, and we wish her well.

Minute: We give initial approval to the modification of the job description for the Spiritual and Community Life Committee in the Scattergood Friends School Committee Rules and Guidelines.

Minute: Lucy will write a letter to our financial institutions to remove Loren Wehmeyer's name and add Nan Fawcett's name, authorizing Nan as business manager to act and sign on behalf of the school, effective June 8, 2007.

Minute: We commend and appreciate Nan Fawcett's work with the school as Dean of Students. We welcome her as our new business manager.

Minute: We approve investing $5000 with the Johnson County Community Foundation, and $10,000 with the Community Foundation of the Great River Bend. The Consultation Committee will take responsibility to determine what investment strategies are consistent with the values of Friends.

Minute: We approve the financial report with appreciation for Jan's clarity and good management.

Minute: We commend and appreciate Rachel Thomson's work as the Admissions Director. We wish her well as she takes on new duties at Scattergood.

Minute: We heard and appreciated the reports from the Academic, Spiritual & Community Life, Facilities, Development, Farm, Admissions and Technology sub-committees. We appreciate the good work of the faculty.

We closed the meeting in a timely manner with a few moments of quiet worship. We look forward to meeting again on July 21, 2007.

Callie Marsh
Recording Clerk