Scattergood Friends School Committee
Minutes April 8, 2006


Carmen Billick, Lucy Hansen, Sharon Haworth, Debbie Galusha, Callie Marsh, Dan Treadway, Dan Schlitt, Bob Winchell, Bob Yeats


Kirk Bragg, Ed Clopton, Jeff Cox, Eve Goodhue

Faculty Present:

Margie Figgins, Joey Giffen-Hunter, Jan Luchini, Jennifer Warneke, Bob Yeats

We are pleased to welcome our guest, Irene McHenry, of the Friends Council on Education.

Minute: Susan Clymer, Lynn Chakoian, and Anita Allwood have resigned due to family responsibilities. We appreciate their service.

Minute: We agree to ask Barbara Garlinghouse to be on the Spiritual and Community Life sub-committee. Debbie Galusha will work temporarily with the Human Resources sub-committee to help with the evaluation of the director.

Minute: We approve the minutes from the January 28, 2006 meeting.

Minute: We encourage Jan to hire a business manager if enrollment and the budget allow.

Minute: We appoint Callie Marsh as recording clerk.

The Clerk reminded us that we all need to review the revised long-range plan for ISACS so that we can consider it for approval in the May meeting.

Minute: We have reviewed the director's report, and discussed the need for long-range planning of possible locations for both future farm buildings and other campus development as we move ahead with the proposed wind turbine project.

Minute: Jan is in the process of changing the school's checking accounts from US Bank to Hills Bank and Trust. We approve Lucy Hansen (Clerk of the School Committee), Jan Luchini, (Director), Shannon Pingenot, (Business Assistant), and Sarah Giffen-Hunter (Registrar) for check-signing. We approve Mark Quee, Farm Manager, to sign farm checks. Jan also informed us of new developments Hills Bank and Trust is offering us for added security, which might replace the dual signing of checks.

Minute: We appreciate Margie's report on the capital campaign, and listened with interest to the news of a new bequest.

Minute: Facilities Committee. We discussed the issue of how the school can move towards a greater position of sustainability. We plan to discuss this in more depth in the May meeting. We appreciate how much work is going into the facilities, and Joey's role in that.

We adjourned until May 20, 2006, to spend the rest of the day in a workshop with Irene McHenry of the Friends Council on Education.

Callie Marsh

Recording Clerk