Scattergood Friends School Committee
Minutes July 23, 2005


Anita Allwood, Ed Clopton, Jeff Cox, Debbie Galusha, Barb Garlinghouse, Lucy Hansen, Callie Marsh, Bob Winchell, Dan Schlitt, Dwight Schumm Absent: Carmen Billick, Kirk Bragg, Lynn Chakoian, Susan Clymer, Eve Goodhue, Dan Treadway, Bob Yeats

Closed Session

The meeting opened with a moment of silent worship.

Director Evaluation Report:

Anita Allwood distributed copies of the results of surveys from Scattergood faculty and staff members and from School Committee members for review. She reported that parent responses indicated frustration with the school's manner of communicating with them. They were concerned about tardiness of information they received about their student's needs for the trip to Costa Rica. Some also expressed concern about the school's not responding to their offers of volunteer work. Barb Garlinghouse reported about patterns in student responses. The students state that they feel safe with Jan Luchini as director and feel a sense of security. Students experience Jan as a serious worker and a good listener. Some felt she did not seek them out. The Human Resources Committee will give her the printed responses and set a meeting with her and Lucy Hansen in the near future.

The Scattergood Friends School report to Iowa Yearly Meeting Conservative was discussed. Some School Committee members stated their expectation that the report be brought to the school committee meeting prior to its going yearly meeting.

There was also discussion about School committee members understanding the importance of taking their responsibility to evaluate the School's director's performance.

Open Session

Staff Present:

Nan Fawcett, Margie Figgins, Joey Giffen-Hunter, Adam Kurth, Jan Luchini, Rachel Thomson, Jennifer Warneke

Members of the School Committee and Staff members introduced themselves to one another.

Approval of May 21, 2005 meeting minutes

The May 21, 2005 minutes were approved as written.

Reports to Yearly Meeting, & Plans

Lucy Hansen announced proposed 2005-06 meeting dates: 10/1/05, 12/3/05, 1/28/06, 4/1/06, 5/20/06, 7/?? After some discussion the proposed meeting dates were approved.

Lucy also asked for feedback regarding the timing and subject matter of the annual School Committee Retreat. The Committee has sought training with Irene McHenry who has been unable to schedule at a mutually satisfactory time. Lucy also mentioned a person known to Callie Marsh, Jackie Stillwell. Debbie Galusha will email Irene to see if she could come to one of our meetings for training. Timing for the retreat was also discussed.

Lucy Hansen distributed a draft of her report to Iowa Yearly Meeting. Jan Luchini and Mark Quee will develop a school report and a farm report for Iowa Yearly Meeting. Jan stated she has been thinking about her report. Lucy asked that in future years the report be ready at this meeting. She asked that a draft of this year's report be sent to school committee members for review and comment. Committee members made suggestions about content of the report. School Committee members discussed providing an interest group option at the yearly meeting. The following ideas were suggested for content: plans for addition; Capital Campaign; ISACS report and the school's response; meet the new director. Debbie Galusha will contact the program committee for IYM.

Director's Report - Subcommittee Reports integrated into Director's Report:


Deb Galusha reported that the Academic Sub-committee met this morning. Jennifer Warneke reported that the school will have eight new staff, four of whom are teachers. Michael Lynch taught at Scattergood before and is returning. Jennifer is excited about new faculty. New staff orientation will be held prior to student orientation. New staff orientation will be one day this year. Jennifer plans to expand new staff orientation to two days next year. Jennifer also shared her plans to formalize processes for professional development and evaluation of staff. She plans to have faculty members observe others teaching and to include peer observation. She plans to require it this year and will include such observation in faculty members' professional development plans. She would also like to develop a cycle for purchase of text books. Other ideas discussed were developing a mentoring plan and teacher exchange.


Joey Giffen-Hunter distributed a printed facilities report. The report described extensive work and projects that have been done this summer or are in progress. Joey reported that the bid for the addition to the main building is much greater than the budgeted amount. He stated that the School did get three bids, and thus, we know we got the actual costs. Dwight Schumm stated that the project is well defined. He stated his belief that some of the difference in bids was due to varying desire to do the project. The lowest bid is $75,000 over budget. Facilities Committee affirms that the project as designed is right for the School and will accomplish some key steps to meet the School's mission. Discussion about how to find a way to do this project followed. Joey may be able to negotiate some cost reductions with the contractor. Dwight and Joey had a conference call with the architect about that possibility. That negotiation may result in a savings of $5,000 to $10,000. Jan Luchini proposed reallocating capital funds. Completion of some capital projects were under spent on budget resulting in $25,000 unspent. In addition $5,000 was saved on wiring costs. Jan reported $30,000 from the Capital Campaign Budget could be reallocated to this project. The Windows project could be a source of savings by refurbishing some rather than replacing all the windows in the Main Building. Joey reported that $20,000 could be saved by keeping the flat roof on the Main Building rather than building a pitched roof. He reported that membranes are better now, and thus flat roofs can be more workable. Thus the overage of $75,000 is approached by the described savings.

The Facilities Committee recommended:

1) Work with Selzer Werderitsch Associates and John Shaw to pursue cost reductions that do not fundamentally change the quality or character of the project.

2) Re-allocate unused money from completed Capital Campaign projects to the Main addition.

3) Limit the scope of the specific uncompleted Capital Campaign projects and re-allocate funds to the Main addition.

MINUTE: The school committee approved the acceptance of the bid for the Main Building Addition by the Selzer Werderitsch Associates with possible negotiation of reductions and use of savings from other completed and proposed Capital Campaign projects. The School Committee recognizes that the choice to replace the flat roof membrane will need to be addressed again in 10 to 15 years. Approved

The contract is written for December 30, 2005 completion.

Dwight Schumm shared his view that we could safely waive the performance bond for SWA which would result in a savings of approximately $2,700. Jan is checking with the school's insurance company to see if they have an opinion about this issue. Approved -contingent upon feedback received from school's insurance company.

The issue of the elevator shaft in the Main Building was raised. Margie reported that Development office is investigating whether or not the existing shaft could be used for an elevator at this time.

Jan Luchini commended Joey Giffen-Hunter's work as efficient, cost effective and enabling the school to accomplish its Capital Improvement goals.

Joey reported that improvements of the Boys Dorm North Apartment are being moved to second year of the Capital Campaign. Not all of the proposed campus electrical improvements will be made in order to save money for the Main improvements.

Joey Giffen-Hunter reported that he has further explored the current and future needs for a septic system for the Farm Cottage and the hoped for new farm processing building/educational center. The Facilities Committee recommends that we proceed with the construction of a stand-alone, single occupancy septic system for the Farm Cottage. There are too many unknowns about the future farm building, most notably its location and elevation.

MINUTE: The School Committee accepted the recommendation of the Facilities Committee to construct a stand-alone, single occupancy septic system for the Farm Cottage. Approved.


Jan Luchini reported that purchase of a new tractor is still in the planning and research phase. Fall may be a better time to explore this issue. Jan referred Committee members to Mark Quee's written report and to the article about the farm published in Summer Edition of Scattergood News. Jan expressed appreciation for all the people who are working to make the CSA work.

12:00 Break for Lunch

12:45 pm Resume


Adam Kurth provided a Power Point presentation about tablet computers which he thinks would be an effective tool for students at Scattergood. Some students and staff will be using the tablets this year to experiment with their use and to see how durable they are. Adam informed the School Committee that they are eligible for the school's discount when purchasing computers through Scattergood.

Admissions and Enrollment

Rachel Thomson reported that July has been busy. She has sent out twenty-five application packets since July 1. She described recent inquiries as better and more fruitful. Enrollment to date is forty-seven (47). Retention is improving. She sees admission as a multiyear process. She stated her belief that the quality of students is increasing and that we are identifying and admitting students who we can serve.

Spiritual & Community Life

Barb Garlinghouse reported that the committee did not meet last evening. Barb expressed her pleasure that Nan Fawcett is returning as Dean of Students. Nan referred School Committee members to her written report. She has made a number of corrections to the student handbook to promote a better flow and readability. She has also developed a recommended policy for student use of cell phones. The recommended policy is:

Telephones may not be used after "Lights Out" in the dormitories for all freshmen, sophomores and first semester juniors. Phone use in the dormitories is unrestricted from 6:00 am until "Lights Out". Pending approval from the School Committee (the school's governing body), Scattergood will begin a trial policy in the fall of '05 allowing students to use personal cell phones in the dormitories. This policy will be reviewed periodically and will start with the following provisions:

  • Student cell phones must remain in the dormitories. Student phones found outside the dorms will be confiscated, and the Dean's Advisory Committee will decide on the consequences for this infraction.
  • If a student wishes to take the cell phone off campus (i.e. home for the weekend), the phone must be turned off between the dorm and the car.
  • On a school-sponsored trip, the staff member in charge as well as other students present have the option of allowing a student cell phone to be used.
  • The use of student cell phones at Scattergood follows all current Scattergood phone use policies.
  • Nan reported that the Watching TV policy will be discussed during community meetings in the Fall.

    MINUTE: The school committee approves the recommendation of the Spiritual and Community Life committee regarding the use of cell phones and corrections and additions to the student handbook Approved


    (preliminary budget, IaYM(C) allowance, nominations)

    Jan Luchini reported that the school did better financially during the last year than she imagined given the reduction of tuition income. The year ended $25,000 in the black without compromising the school's mission. She reported that some of the savings was due to the warmer winter resulting in savings from purchase of LP. She reported that the endowment fund is doing well at this time and that the School was able to get some moneys from the Capital Campaign into the endowment early. The Berquist bequest came in and was placed in a CD that will earn 4% for three months. Jan is concerned about receivables total of $45,216 which is unpaid tuition. She will work to get that down to more workable number.

    Jan stated that she will present a report of what projects of the Bridging the Gap campaign are completed plus what is yet to be done at the next School Committee meeting.

    Committee members discussed the allowance received from Iowa Yearly Meeting Conservative and whether or not we should ask for an increase for next year. Last year the School asked for and received a 5% increase.

    Minute: The Scattergood Friends School Committee agreed to request an increase of $1500 in the allowance received from IYM -- Conservative. Approved.


    School Committee members were asked to inform Debbie Galusha or Dan Schlitt if they know of someone who would make a good School Committee member. Debbie and Dan are both serving on the nominating committee for IYM-Conservative.


    Margie Figgins reported that the School will be embarking on an image audit project during the next fiscal year. She explained that the image audit will assist the School to establish more effective outreach. Margie reported that the School is recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt and has been since 1947. Our accountant will help draft a letter to the IRS to keep them informed that we are still here and are non-profit. The letter will be sent each year and keep us active on the IRS list of non-profit entities. The State of Iowa says that IYM and Scattergood are the same entity.

    The School Committee Discussed the allocation of the Berquist and Darby bequests and the impact of those decisions on the overall progress of the Capital Campaign. Jan Luchini said it would be nice if we could give the full amount of the second year's budgeted amount to the endowment. It will pay us back in interest. The Capital Campaign will end June of 2007. Margie informed the committee that the phonathon dates for next year are May1-3 and 8-10. She said that this year's phonathon made great connections with donors and prospective donors.

    Human Resources

    Jan Luchini reported that Rebecca Butler decided to not join Scattergood's staff. Dana Smith '97 will join the staff and will be working in marketing and admissions. She will do the web page and newsletter.

    Committee Evaluation from staff

    Jan Luchini reported a summary of information from staff feedback. She reported that the staff have an overall positive feeling about the School Committee. Committee members discussed how to be more informed about the School. Suggestions included participating in phonathons, shadow days, and attending school events.


    3:00 The meeting adjourned with a moment of silence.

    Future Events

    School Committee Meeting Dates