Scattergood Friends School Committee
Minutes April 2, 2005



Anita Allwood, Kirk Bragg, Ed Clopton, Debbie Galusha, Barb Garlinghouse, Eve Goodhue, Lucy Hansen, Susan Clymer, Callie Marsh, Dan Schlitt, Dan Treadway, Bob Winchell, Bob Yeats


Carmen Billick, Lynn Chakoian, Jeff Cox, Dwight Schumm

Staff Present:

Jan Luchini, Margie Figgins, Joey Giffen-Hunter, Heather Godley, Erin Lane, Jennifer Warneke

Open session

Meeting began with silence at 9:00 a.m.

Approval of January 29, 2005 meeting minutes

The minutes were approved as written.


Lucy Hansen distributed copies of the Winter, 2005 issue of Chronicles of Quaker Education published by Friends Council on Education.

Director's Report - Subcommittee Reports integrated into Director's Report: (all topics not listed)


Debbie Galusha reported that the Academic Subcommittee met this morning. She reported that subcommittee members believe that the school committee needs to have discussion about the vision of the school and how that will inform student selection, maintaining the flavor of Scattergood as well as preparing children for the world they will meet when they leave. She stressed the importance of being able to develop ways to track growth of students. The subcommittee discussed the role of standardized testing and how to prepare students for success when taking such tests. Another issue discussed was a recommendation from ISACS regarding the number of contact hours per credit hour and whether or not Scattergood should make the number of contact hours similar to other schools. The subcommittee will be talking about the long range plan in May. Heather Godley, Academic Coordinator, had been asked to inform us about her thoughts regarding the academic program in May.

Spiritual & Community Life

Barb Garlinghouse reported that the Subcommittee met last night. Due to the fact that many students are off campus on trips, students did not meet with the subcommittee. The subcommittee reviewed recommendations from ISACS visit. No major policy changes were recommended. The Subcommittee will be working on wording of student handbook in May.

Break for brunch -- 10:30 AM


Joey Giffen-Hunter and Jan Luchini reported that carpeting projects were completed in order for the School to look better for admissions process. Approved by consultation committee. Joey also discussed changes in the design for improvements to the girls dorm. Building over the current office and apartment area has been deemed unworkable. An addition will be built on the east end of the south side of the building. The basement area of the addition will be storage and will not be developed. The Girls' Lounge will be on second floor. An apartment for the Dorm Sponsor will be on first level. Joey reported that there may be tanks of some kind in the proposed basement area. It is also possible that they may have been removed previously. If all goes well with the bidding process, construction will begin this summer. The new plan is less central to the campus and going into the school year will not be as much of a problem as the previous plan. Discussion about various aspects of the project followed.

Minute: The School Committee approved the change in location of the addition to the girls dorm and of creating a pitched roof over the existing main lobby, director office and main apartment. Approved

Joey Giffen-Hunter and Jan Luchini also reported that work will be done on the farm cottage to make it a habitable space for winter. Roger Laughlin has made recommendations for needed changes. Despite concern about the long term use of that building, Joey thinks the suggested improvements should be made. School Committee members raised questions about the proposed septic system and its potential compatibility with current and future septic systems. Of specific concern was whether or not the septic system could be tapped into or expanded when the hoped for new building is built. Joey has consulted with Larry Marsh (who is an engineer) and with Mark Quee about this issue. Some locations would allow such a connection. Joey stated his belief that whether or not the systems can be hooked up - the improvements need to be made. The estimated cost will be $8,000 and is not part of the capital plan. Jan reported that the improvements can be budgeted for next year as a new capital item. The project could be done this summer after July 1st.

The School Committee delayed a decision about the septic system until the May meeting. The committee asked Joey to identify best location for the new building and attempt to assure that system will be in place for the new building.

Joey also provided us information about the drinking water violation and what was done to rectify the situation. Joey explained his sampling process and what is required to assure a safe water supply. He also explained where problems may develop. Positive testing samples have been caused by ball valves. Joey is replacing those valves to eliminate that source of contamination.


Bob Winchell reported that he, Mark Quee and Matthew Goldfarb met last evening. Matthew will be leaving at the end of this year. The search for a new staff person is in process. Jan Luchini stated that she is feeling positive about interim and prospective candidates to assist with the farm. Margie Figgins, Director of Development is attempting to secure a new tractor from John Deere. Jan reported that school staff have been unhappy with the electrical work being done at the School and are looking for a new vendor. She is hopeful of finding someone through the construction process.

Dan Treadway expressed pleasure with outreach at the farm. Bob Winchell talked about the idea of students earning summer educational credits and issues related to minor employment laws. The Farm Subcommittee would like to take steps to formalize the farm as a learning center. The idea of using the farm for Intern prospects for a variety of institutions of higher learning was raised.

Admissions and Enrollment

Jennifer Warneke distributed copies of her report and a publication from TABS entitled "The Truth About Boarding School". The publication outlines Key Talking Points that Committee members and staff can use to market the school. She referred to ISACS recommendations about marketing - that every one needs to realize their responsibility for marketing the school. The importance of "word of mouth" was discussed. Jennifer discussed the pattern of inquiries and the ratio of admissions to inquiries and described how inquiries are pursued. She reported that email contact is more efficient. She can then make needed personal/verbal contact with people who are actually interested in the school. She stated that it would be very useful to have another staff person available to work in admissions during the spring and summer months. At this point the budget does not allow for such a position. Jan Luchini stated that she realizes such a position should be a priority. She stated that Nan Fawcett may be a possible resource for the admissions office this spring.

Committee members engaged in discussion about types of students to be admitted and the importance of criteria for admission including more aspects of the student than academics. Margie Figgins reported that she is looking into several organizations that will assist with developing a marketing process to help with admissions.

Jan Luchini distributed copies of the 2005-2006 Tuition Agreement for the Committee to review. She explained changes in the tuition agreement. Additions made included the phrase, that are billed monthly, in the second sentence of the top paragraph, and the statement that medical insurance is required. Some phrasing in the larger paragraph defining the agreement was changed by the School's attorney. Jan took out dates and made due dates the first day of the semester. This change makes the agreement easily updated from year to year. Jan believes the agreement's language is cleaned up and expectations are more clearly stated. This agreement allows the school more latitude in making decisions about whether or not parents will be expected to pay tuition if their child drops out. A question was raised about whether or not the contract was binding on both parties since it has no space for a signature from school personnel. Jan will check.


Lucy Hansen announced that Dan Treadway will be the convener of the consultation/nominating committee.

Financial Report

Jan Luchini reported that 65% of budgeted funds have been spent. If the budget was tracking perfectly spending would be at 66.6%. She said that this is a good sign. Staff are being very good about under-spending discretionary funds. She noted that supplies spent at the 32% level. She stated that insurance is near renewal. Premiums are very high but have not gone up. In the fall she will contact another insurance broker to get a bid and hopefully reduce our insurance costs. In last the five years insurance cost has increased 300% and represents 5% of budget.


Margie Figgins gave a summary of the Campaign summary. She reported that the Berquist and Darby gifts will come in this summer. Those gifts are not included in the 1,558,629 figure. Margie has no new information about the school's IRS status due to busyness of the accountants at this time of year. The school's accountant has identified one person at the IRS who is willing to assist with reestablishing the school's IRS tax-exempt status. The School is currently not required to file the 990 form. However, if the 990 form is not filed routinely the school will "roll off" the IRS list of charitable organization. Callie Marsh suggested that maintaining the School's tax-exempt status needs to be on someone's job description. Margie reported that the School's auditors have learned from this process as well. The Iowa Yearly Meeting - Conservative is not on the IRS Tax-exempt list. Margie thinks they would benefit from being on the list and taking steps to do so.

Margie Figgins reported that the development committee met. Margie distributed copies of the description of expectations of school committee members to be given to the Yearly Meeting Nominating committee so they can be expressed to prospective school committee members. Discussion of the nomination process ensued. Dan Treadway suggested that committee members consider who may be good candidates to serve on the committee for the next terms. The paragraph will be reviewed and revised for further consideration during the May meeting. Joey Giffen-Hunter raised an issue related to committee succession and proposed that the committee discuss whether or not that process is working.


Jan Luchini reports that things are going well. She is working on new budget information for next year. Debbie Goodwin is helping during Adam's absence from campus.

Human Resources

Jan Luchini reported that Nan Fawcett is returning to the position of Dean of Students. Nan will be working part-time this spring. The hiring committee is in the process of interviewing for teaching positions. Jan reports that she is getting excellent application materials. The hiring committee is meeting regularly. Jan will be attending a secondary heads meeting at Sidwell next week. She and Joey will go to a weather spotters training program soon.

ISACS Report & Discussion


Jan Luchini explained that the report will go to the ISACS board with a recommendation for accreditation, conditional accreditation or no accreditation. The School has one year to respond to all of the recommendations and can accept or reject the recommendations. The School must develop a plan of action and time line for corrective action for recommendations. Jan stated that there are some things that would benefit from discussion and from up-dating the long range plan. Jan asked for discussion on page 49 - the general appraisal - especially recommendations 1, 4, and 5.

  1. Establish with the Director a clear and precise understanding of the unique Scattergood Friends School vision.
  2. Actively pursue increased alumni support; make it possible for them to connect at Scattergood Friends School's website.
  3. Find professionals to train and encourage the Director of Development.

Discussion about major recommendation #1 related to the vision for the school followed. Topics included how to articulate the vision/mission of Scattergood, the "so what" of our program to all constituencies. The School Committee agreed to place the discussion on future agendas so committee can consider the mission/vision of the school and develop a more clearly articulated vision. So what we have an academic program. Submit a week a head of time. School Committee members agreed to submit ideas about the vision to Jan Luchini and Deb Galusha by April 9.

Ideas for Margie Figgins, Director of Development, to receive mentoring were considered. Margie has identified mentors within the Yearly Meeting.


2:25 The meeting adjourned with moment of silent worship.

Next Meetings

SFSC Minutes -- April 2, 2005