Scattergood Friends School Committee

Minutes September 25, 2004



Committee: Anita Allwood, Kirk Bragg, Ed Clopton, Deb Galusha, Barb Garlinghouse, Eve Goodhue, Lucy Hansen (clerk), Jim Kenney, Callie Marsh, Dan Schlitt, Dwight Schumm, Dan Treadway, Bob Winchell, Bob Yeats.


Staff: Margie Figgins, Heather Godley, Erin Lane, Jan Luchini, Jennifer Warneke.


Welcome, Introductions, Thanks, Announcements, Handouts


Meeting began at 9:15 a.m. with silence. The first item of business was introductions of new committee members, returning committee members and staff in attendance.

Jim Kenney announced that this would be his last meeting. Lucy announced that positions held by Joe Davison and Lynn Chakoian have not been filled as yet.


Anita Allwood will serve as recording clerk for today until a recording clerk is selected.


Jan Luchini reported that many students and staff are at Olney for a soccer match today. It is also between blocks. Consequently, not many students/staff are on campus today. Committee members were reminded that the SchoolÕs calendar is on the website. Copies of the School Calendar were passed out to those in attendance.

Set July 2005 meeting date

After a brief discussion committee members agreed to set the July School Committee meeting for July 23, 2005.

Approval of July 24 meeting minutes

Jan Luchini observed that there is an apparent contradiction in the minutes regarding the budget for annual giving as described in the following sentence,ÓThe amount shown for annual giving is greater than that specifically shown in the capital campaign, but it would be a reduction to lower it and we feel it is inappropriate to reduce the plan on annual giving.Ó and the final sentence of the finance section. Dan Treadway suggested that the quoted sentence be struck from the minutes for the purpose of increased clarity. Affirmed.        

Review committee rules and orient new members


Lucy reported that she and Jan Luchini met with new committee members prior to meeting. Lucy reminded committee members to review the School CommitteeÕs Rules and Guidelines Manual. She reminded members that our primary responsibility is setting broad policy with guidance from the SchoolÕs director. Other issues she addressed are:

á      Committee members should not get into micromanagement/little details.

á      Be available for help whenever the school needs help.

á      EveryoneÕs participation is important.

á      Speak about your concerns.

á      Committee acts as a whole.

á      Resolve our differences within ourselves.

á      Maintain confidentiality Ð some information should not be shared beyond this committee.

Lucy specifically referred committee members to Page 2 under responsibilities which contains a general list of the CommitteeÕs major responsibilities; Page 5 Ð subcommittees; Page 15 Ð lines about duties of committee members and subcommittees. Everyone should be on one and not more than two committees. Lucy reminded committee members of importance of their role and encouraged attending meetings as much as possible. She stressed the importance of preparing for meetings. Committee members are also responsible for keeping monthly meetings informed about the School.


The relationship of the School Committee and the Scattergood Foundation was discussed. The Agreement with Scattergood Foundation is permanent, and a copy of the agreement is in the handbook. Yearly meeting trustees appoint trustees for Scattergood Foundation. The focus of the Foundation is to manage the endowment to benefit the school.


Bob Winchell reminded the members of the School CommitteeÕs relationship and responsibility to Iowa Yearly Meeting Conservative.


Lucy reminded members to turn their travel reimbursement forms into Jan Luchini or Margie Figgins. Reimbursement has been increased to $.35/mile. Barb Garlinghouse reminded us that we can make a donation to the school. We must accept the reimbursement check and then make a donation. Discussion about various factors related to the importance and function of the committee membersÕ making financial contributions to the School followed.


Reaffirm ScattergoodÕs Mission Statement & Non-discrimination Statement


The Committee members read the SchoolÕs mission statement. Brief discussion about its length resulted in the suggestion that members who have ideas for change bring their concerns and suggestions for change in written form to the committee. Affirmed.


Committee members reviewed the SchoolÕs discrimination policy. Lucy reported that the statement has been reviewed and approved by the SchoolÕs lawyer. Affirmed.


Consultation committee report for subcommittees and officers


Dan Treadway passed a list and asked committee members to make corrections and to note subcommittee appointments. Committee members were asked to make decisions about subcommittees on which we wish to serve. The consultation committee nominated Lucy Hansen for clerk and Anita Allwood for recording clerk. Approved.


Lucy reported that Dwight Schumm has left West Branch meeting, and thus his appointment to the committee by Iowa Yearly Meeting has ended. Dwight spoke to his commitment to Scattergood school has not changed and his interest in continuing to serve on the committee as a co-opted member. Lucy explained that the committee can have four co-opted members in addition to yearly meeting members. Illinois, Northern and Iowa Yearly Meeting FUM are full members of the School Committee. Carmen and Dwight could be co-opted members. Subcommittee members who are not school committee members are associate members. Approved Dwight Schumm as a co-opted member.


Search Committee Report Ð Closed Session


Anita Allwood reported on the activities of the Search Committee. (See attached written report.) The committee agreed to have all reports from the Search Committee be given in closed session.

Introductions: School Committee and Staff


After brunch, staff members joined the committee for introductions and a brief getting acquainted session
DirectorÕs Report (including enrollment & staffing)


Subcommittee clerks were reminded that their reports are integrated into the DirectorÕs Report and should be emailed to Joe Davison who will include the reports on the website.



- Academic subcommittee met 9/25/04 at 7:30 a.m. Debbie Galusha, Clerk reported that the subcommittee discussed the new study hall practice. Study Hall is required for freshmen and sophomores plus people who received a slip that day. Academic alerts are more informative for parents. Discussed what it means to be a Scattergood student and a Scattergood parent. The need for formal evaluation process for faculty and staff was discussed. Debbie Galusha suggested that each faculty/staff members have goals to be assessed. Heather Godley reports that the first block went well. Less academic slips have been given than in past. Some students are showing significant improvement.


Spiritual & Community Life

РBarb Garlinghouse reported that the subcommittee met last night. Most of the students on campus this weekend attended the meeting. Based upon student comments, Barb is confident that Erin LaneÕs assessments as presented in her report are accurate. Students seem relaxed and settled this year because there seems to be more structure. Seniors are being role models to set tone for expectations of students. Change of slip system separating academic from behavioral is working for students. Students are not complaining about presence of computers as they have in the last few years. The subcommittee discussed the search process and ideas about what is needed in a director. That information will be taken to the search committee by the student representatives on that committee. Kirk Bragg made inquiries regarding seeking mental health treatment for students. Erin described her role in helping students remain in contact with counselors they were seeing at home. She also refers to UAY in Iowa City for counselors. There is no charge for services there. Gay, lesbian, bi-sexuality issues do come up for discussion within the community. The community seems to be a safe place for those discussions.



- Dwight Schumm reported that the subcommittee met Wednesday evening. The ISACS self study was reviewed and discussed. The sub-committee also considered the capital campaign and capital budget. School Committee members reviewed the three-year Capital project plan for the school. Dwight stated that the Committee needs to approve plan for 2004-2005. By policy the School has permission to appropriate the funds if the bids do not exceed 10% of the amount budgeted. There is one new item - $20,000 for new vehicles. Current vans are accumulating high mileage and will need to be replaced. In the future, Jan Luchini hopes to be able to replace vehicles through current funds rather than through development funds. However, since enrollment is low, there are not funds available at this time. The decision is based upon money that is already pledged. The committee approved Phase 1 of the capital improvements.


The addition to the GirlÕs dorm was also discussed in terms of dollars for that project needing to be spent this year in preparation to carry out the project next year. The committee approved the expenditure of funds to prepare for the addition.


Jan stated that this list of capital expenses should be seen as a working document that will change over time.


Budget, Tuition for next year

- Copies of the auditorÕs Review of ScattergoodÕs financial position (2003-2004) were distributed for our review and action next meeting. Jan Luchini reports that there were no surprises. Committee members were encouraged to Email or call Jan with questions. Jan reviewed the five year projection: Net tuition is down due to lower enrollment. Saving grace is that Jan is hoping to zero out the budget this year. Her goal is to spend only $5000 more this year than last year. Differences Ð Quadplex loan payment is occurring through operations budget Ð a new item. Laptop loan will no longer be loan but will be paid out of operations as well. Jan explained the miscellaneous column that includes governance, directorÕs fund, interest and fees of loans, dues and memberships, living stipend Ð a cook assistant. The school will be giving the farm $2500 this year. The farm is projected to make $2000 this year. Working with the farm is a very positive experience - curricular, foodstuffs, etc. Jan explained the Bridge the Gap Campaign Summary page.


When reviewing the budget Jan reported that the tuition budgeted is high due to low enrollment. She believes the budgeted amount is a reachable goal. Jan responded to questions from committee members. The committee approved the budget.


Jan recommends that we not raise tuition for the 2005-2006 year. She reviewed the trends of tuition raises over the past few years. Current full tuition is $20,000, 5 day tuition is $18,000, day students tuition is $11,000, minimum is $2000. The committee discussed issues related to financial aid and family perceptions regarding applying for assistance as well as the gap between full tuition and what families are paying. Fifteen current students are paying full tuition, and about the same number are paying minimum. The issue of how this decision will affect future decisions about tuition rates was discussed. The committee approved maintaining the current rate of tuition.



- Mark Quee submitted a written report. The committee did not meet this month. CSA is a positive program and gives the school excellent exposure in the community.



Ð Margie Figgins raised two issues not included in her written report. She gave an update on campaign area gatherings that are being held at this time. She generated a list of individuals that could give $1000 or more and are holding area meetings with those people. She, David Hoeksema, and a representative from the school committee or the Foundation are also having one on one meetings with those people. She will be meeting with David Hoeksema next week to plan the next steps. Jan and some students have been attending some of the area meetings. School committee members and/or a trustee being present for the individual meetings is very helpful. Margie may be contacting us to assist her. She has been preparing the alumni, community, public relations, marketing and development portions of the ISACs self study.


Margie proposed changes to Goals 4 & 5 of the long range plan. She recommends removing the item ÒTo re-empower Quaker families in their effectiveness as primary learning settings for their children. Each family has an embedded home curriculum but few recognize it.Ó She stated her belief that this item does not appropriately belong in the development section of the plan if it is in the plan at all. Discussion followed. The committee decided to refrain from decision making at this time. The ideas will be considered and decision will be made in December.


Admissions -

Jennifer Warnecke reported that she is working to recruit 5 good candidates by January. Her main focus for this semester is advertising.



-   Adam Kurth submitted a written report. Committee members affirmed AdamÕs work.


Human Resources

Ð Jan reported that she and Heather will not be attending a conference on Classroom evaluation they had planned to attend because it seemed to be a sales pitch for software.

Discussion - What do we want in a director?
Barb Garlinghouse & Dwight Schumm facilitated a discussion regarding director. Small group and large group discussions resulted in the following list:


Ideas and Characteristics to Consider As We Choose a New Director

Generated by Scattergood Friends School Committee

September 25, 2004






Long Range:


¯    Enrollment

¯    Development - $ for facilities Ð Visible; Story teller**

¯    Farm Implementation




¯    Community and academic structure should be preserved Ð it is working well


Campus Life:


¯    Historical sense of community, work, academic standards under umbrella of Quakerism**

¯    Good maintenance of facilities






Experience with Quakerism


** Collaborative Leader Ð Not authoritarian style

Listening skills

Emotionally, spiritually & personally well-grounded


Experience with boarding school/intentional community

Able to balance individual vs school needs and decisions

Has or can make decisions and take responsibility

Supportive of staff

Able to maintain good personal boundaries

Sensitive to existing situation

Knowledge base in educational administration

Ability to learn new things

Hold the vision Ð tell the Scattergood story


Articulate Ð able to communicate effectively with all levels of Scattergood community within and without

**Broad support system

Faith and practice

Ability to compliment staff strengths/needs and his/her own


Utilize everyoneÕs skills

**Indicates items of most importance

The meeting adjourned with a moment of silence.