Scattergood Friends School Committee
Minutes October 4, 2003


Opened with silence, followed by introductions.

We decided the date for the July Meeting: July 24, 2004

Last Meeting's Minutes

The July Minutes were approved as written.

We reviewed the following items from the Committee Handbook:

We approved Carmen Rohwer as a Coopted member of the school committee for an initial 3 year term.

We reaffirmed the School's Mission Statement & Non-discrimination Policy

There was some discussion of combining the admissions and hiring non-discrimintion policies -- with due attention to showing that we encourage members of the Religious Society of Friends to apply both as students and staff, and changing "children of alumni" to "people with prior connection to the school". Consider the list of non-discriminated items being the same -- but we do need to recognize that there are differences (we won't take all boys, for instance).

While there was support for combining the two statements, because of the legal considerations the topic was referred to the consultation committee, which is requested to consider a new statement of non-discrimination, run it by the lawyers, and return with a recommendation.

We decided to edit the handbook to state that changes to the non-discrimination policy must be reviewed by our legal advisors.

The following expressed interest in attending the school committee conference in Philadelphia (Pendle Hill): Bob Yeats, Sean Egan, Perry-O Sliwa.

December retreat plans

The plans are still being worked on. Lucy has gotten some names from Friends Council on Education. The general topic will be developing an understanding of the Schools Finances and how they're managed... There was also a discussion of the possibility of an overview of the process of running a capital campaign...

We decided to hold the retreat on campus, starting around 10am Friday and lasting until early afternoon. Subcommittee meetings will follow the retreat

We Broke for Brunch, then resumed with introduction of staff & committee members

Committee Reports

The Director's Report formed the basis for the following discussion


Farm Committee

Farm Livestock Proposal

The proposal extends the existing animal program, adding cattle & sheep, the poultry may increase in the Spring. Dan Treadway expressed appreciation for Matthew's consulting with local farm people, taking advantage of local experience. Discussion said the Money from USDA to support the project will be going to the Farm, not the school, so the school is still not receiving federal money. (This is important because of the requirement to provide names of Juniors and Seniors to military recruiters if receiving federal funds).

How would the farm raised meat compare in price to the open market, to the school? (The answer is in the proposal). We were impressed with the planning that went into the proposal, particularly how well it fit with the school's needs.

We approved the Farm Livestock Proposal.

Sean talked about how the school's incorporating Farm produce into the meal planning -- preserving the harvest for later use (frozen applesauce, roasted peppers, ...)

Consultation Committee report (Finances)

Farm Support $10G came from $5G increase in Tuition budget and move from payroll (recognizing reduction due to reduction in staff experience).

We approved the revised budget.

Capital Campaign proposal:

David Hoeksema's Rennaisance Group has prepared a proposal for a feasibility study for a new Capital Campaign. The total cost of the study would be approximately $22,000, which would come from the planned Promotion budget. The schedule shows a 5 - 6 month effort, with preparations starting now, and the report being completed about March, 2004.

We authorized conducting a feasiblity study for a new capital campaign, and committed ourselves to supporting such a campaign. Director and staff will solicit and accept proposals within the budget, and begin to gather a taskforce to assist as needed.

There was extended discussion of the School Committee's responsibilities in fundraising. Some argue that each of us should be approaching donors, others that we must support fundraising, but only to the extent that it's within our competance. We are certainly expected to work with the consultant, and support the campaign in a variety of ways.

Discussion suggested that among the issues to be addressed should be how the money is managed during the campaign, as the way it was done last time was an additional burden on the school's business manager -- Of course we must be sensitive to the need that donors' contributions are dealt with in accordance with their wishes.


We encouraged Joey Giffen-Hunter to plan for IaYM workdays to assist in completing items on the school's maintenance list. The committee commended Joey Giffen-Hunter for the great job he did of pulling together the facilities report

Farm report also evidenced Joey's skills at organizing jobs and ensuring the needed equipment is available.

Development report

Extended discussion of methods of recognizing contributions (in any form). Many Friends are opposed to listing names of donors (or other contributors). On the other hand, recognizing contributors publicly is a well known method of increasing contributions. We are struggling with the idea. We don't like the coercive edge -- but, in some sense, that's what increases the contributions.

Thanking volunteers as well as donors might be effective -- Dan T quoted Ben Franklin -- The best way to get someone to do something big for you is to get them to do something small for you first.

Development committee will continue to explore ideas and consulting with Friends.

Enrollment & Admissions

We have foreign students from China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Rwanda, Taiwan, and Turkey this year

All new staff is living on campus this year.


We also have one more member to add, Lynn Howard.


Closed with silence at 3pm