Scattergood Friends School Committee

Minutes 26 July, 2003


Committee members

Joe Davison, Barb Garlinghouse, Lucy Hansen, Jim Kenney, Burt Kisling, Anita Richards, Bruce Rohwer, Dwight Schumm, Perry-O Sliwa, Dan Treadway, George Welch, Bob Winchell


Sean Egan, Margie Figgins, Erin Lane, Jan Luchini

Last meeting minutes

Approved with minor corrections.

Meeting dates for next year:

We decided to have a retreat in December. One possible topic: Discussion of relationship of SC to the school in terms of micromanagement. Perhaps Lee Neff again, or her replacement. Sean and Lucy will plan it.

We drifted into a discussion of how to explore integrating the farm into the curriculum. Visioning about the Farm? (Might be better for the Spring retreat -- or a joint meeting of Academics & Farm committees).

And how to ensure students are involved in various subcommittee meetings.

Committee Reports

The Director's Report formed the basis for the following discussion


Study hall -- Plans are being developed so that Staff members will agree on a schedule, and will coordinate the structure of the study hall -- incentives will be provided to encourage proper use of study hall.

There was an extended discussion of standardized test use. The committee is supportive of the use of tests, and prefers students to treat the tests seriously, if they take them.

Spiritual and Community Life

Student Handbook changes:

Most changes are cleaning up the language, although some minor changes in policies were made.

After an initial attempt to read the changes to the group, for approval, it was suggested that a marked up copy be made available.

After a marked up copy was circulated within the meeting, we approved the changes to the Student Handbook.

The subcommittee is considering a method of reinvigorating Meeting for Worship on the weekend.




The final deficit stems from the need to carry forward the amount designated for promotion that was not expended. (Think "that amount is not available for general expenses".)



Next year's Family Camp will be June 25-27.


Dwight Schumm points out the need for a Campus Plan as a component of the LRP -- It will be helpful in choosing sites for proposed buildings, etc.

There was much enthusiasm for such planning, particularly as it relates to planning an instructional building on the farm to facilitate instruction, and other capital campaign issues. Dwight pointed out that this is part of the Architectural Programming phase of development.

Perhaps this will provide a framework for the Spring Retreat.

Burt warns that we don't lose site of the need for both capital and administrative funds. In the last campaign, a percentage of every dollar was allocated to capital and part to adminstration.



We approved taking a loan, not to exceed $70,000,for the purchase of 50 new laptop computers.

We approved the proposed tuition schedule for academic year 2004-05.
Full boarding:$20,000
5-Day$18,500 (90% of full)
Day$11,000 (55% of full)
Minimum$ 2,000 (10% of full)
Full pay cost represents a 5.8% increase over 2003-04 tuition.

The revised drawdown from Westwood Trush mentioned last month was discussed with the financial advisors and the donor. The committee approved the revision to pay only the minimum amount, $10,000, on the Four-plex loan in September.

There is currently $14,000 in outstanding bad debt, other amounts have been written off in the past -- basically tuition owed but not paid. Committee discussed pursuing legal/external recourse in assisting payment collection, at the school's discretion. During the discussion, some had mixed feelings about the appropriateness to quaker process and potential effectiveness of the policy. The proposal was approved, with Bob Winchell standing aside, for one year, with reports to consultation committee about the use and effectiveness of the policy.

We discussed requesting an increase in the school's funding from IaYM(Conservative), and for longer range committment for planning purposes. The nature of IaYM budgeting makes future increases difficult to plan, although we can presume the amount will remain constant unless changes are requested. We will plan to request regular increases, potentially on the order of 5%.

For this year, the school committee requests a $5000 increase in funding, to $30,000.

Changes to the Staff Handbook: We approved changing section 4.7 to reflect that there will be a refundable housing security deposit, the amount of which will be determined annually by the Director; Director currently proposes $250/housing unit. A provision is included for collecting the deposit in monthly installments during the first year of employment.

We approved the proposal to convert the school's funds in the Westwood account to guaranteed funds if and when they reach $235,000 during the coming fiscal year.

We approved creating the TIAA-CREF account for the director and depositing 50% of the escrow amount to enable him to make supplemental contributions.


Seems like it may be time for a Capital Campaign -- we need to develop a list of projects to be used for that!

Long Range Planning

Keep on thinking about that homework! -- It connects to the discussion of the capital campaign...

But we need to pick specific activities from Goal V to focus on -- be prepared at the next meeting.

Subcommittees need to know what the actions they're working on, so they can examine their progress at the end of the year.


Adjourned with a moment of silence at 3pm.