Scattergood Friends School Committee

Minutes 1 February, 2003


Committee members

Lynn Chakoian, Joe Davison, Debbie Galusha, Barb Garlinghouse, Lucy Hansen, Jim Kenney, Dan Schlitt, Dwight Schumm, Perry-O Sliwa, Dan Treadway, George Welch, Bob Winchell

Executive Session

A conference call with the School Committee was held on January 14, 2003 during which we approved the Search Committee's recommendation to offer the position of Director of Scattergood Friends School to Sean Egan. Nine School Committee members participated in the call, four others were known to be in favor of the recommendation and two were not reached in time to learn of their thoughts in the matter. The Clerk then offered the position to Sean who accepted.  We plan to sign the Note of Agreement next week and send out a letter to announce our decision soon after.

Opened with silence at 9:05.

We discussed a change to the existing note of agreement to describe the appeals process in case of dismissal -- the right to appear before a closed meeting of the school committee within one month.

We discussed the plans for signing the note of agreement, and transition.

We approved the salary and discussed planned payment during the transition period.

At Ken's request, we agreed to omit the Director Evaluation this year.

Executive Session ended at 9:55.

Open session

Staff in attendance

Margie Figgins, Heather Godley, Ken Hinshaw, Erin Lane, Jan Luchini

We began with a moment of silence at 10:00 am

Minutes of last meeting

Approved as written.

Governance Handboook

Lucy handed out copies of Governance Handbook for Friends School, which is referred to in the Trustee Handbook. There were not enough copies to go around, more will be available next time. The book, like the other reference books, are expected to be returned when leaving the school committee. (There are now 3 such reference books).

Committee Reports

The Directors Report formed the basis for the following discussion


Portfolios -- At the end of each course, Heather gets "some kind" of submission for each student - this goes into their portfolio -- each year in spring, the juniors organize their material.

It was suggested that some students might show the committee their portfolios, so we can understand the idea better. This would, of course, be purely voluntary.

There is some discussion among staff about the continuing the laptop program in its current form. This has been an ongoing discussion, although this time the focus has been on the disruption caused when a laptop is broken and is not available. There is, of course, a wide range of opinion among student and faculty -- some wish they weren't here, others love them... Staff does not feel 3 years is enough time to really evaluate whether it's working or not. In addition, when the computers are needed, many need one at the same time. Students study at home (day students) or in the dorms. This is a crossroads -- next year we will need to buy a large number, as it's the end of the three year cycle. So this is when we need to decide. Current feeling is that it should continue for at least another three year cycle. Perry-O shared: SC member asked student how they evaluated info they find on the internet -- the student's response was very insightful -- it is something that is being taught -- just like evaluating resources in the library.

There was some discussion on Technology/Use of tools course(s) or short-courses -- how to use the computer/library/etc...

Spiritual & Community Life

There was some discussion of the LRP -- priority next meeting will be reviewing the plan. There was extended discussion of a harassment episode last semester and what was learned. There was a somewhat shorter discussion of World Affairs.


There is preliminary work being done concerning installing a photovoltaic system on the gym that interfaces with the utility grid. It would probably be small enough that it wouldn't actually feed into the grid, but would partially offset our usage, and would be integrated with the electrical supply system.

Some changes have been made in ventilation of the room where the computer servers are located attempting to improve the situation for the summer.



We authorized seeking a 3 year loan for up to $8000 to use for the laptop program.


See also the History of Giving
We brought the graphics part of the web design in house because we're not clear on what we want, and the consultants were expending billable hours on our search for clarity...

Admissions & Enrollment

Interestingly, INS was looking for a Turkish graduate student working on a PhD...
Ken thanked Erin Lane for her efforts preparing for the INS visit. Good record keeping made the job somewhat easier.
We expect it will be easier to get int'l students approved next year. Don't know about staff...
What's it mean to be a "Religious worker"...

<humor>There is a new Scattergood School A Harry Potter MOO.</humor>
That's a little geek joke -- in HTML (web page writing language) items are labeled by putting <xxx> in front and </xxx> in back, quotes, like.   Of course, there are no such items as "humor"


March Retreat

This year's retreat will be Friday March 28, with the school committee meeting on the 29th. Sean will be unable to attend on Friday, may be here on Saturday. There is some interest among students and staff in getting to know SC members better. One suggestion: Plan for SC members to attend classes (special sessions intended for interaction -- not tests) in the morning, with small groups in the afternoon. Topic -- Where do we learn? (That was last time). Planning for the retreat will largely be done by the School and anyone who would like to volunteer -- contact Ken and/or Lucy. Potential topic: Dealing with/Adapting to change... School will send out an invitation with request for suggestions and willingness to participate. So, put both Friday and Saturday on your calendars for the March meeting. 14 graduating (counting those who've already completed). Looking for Freshman boys!

Meeting Critique

too fast... not enough controversy... Great setup for snacks -- Student Employment Program!

Next meeting focus

LRP Updates -- make sure your suggested changes get to Margie.


Closed with silence at 1:00pm