Development Report
October 5, 2002

The Development Committee met on Friday, October 4th, 2002 in the new Development Office space. Among the topics we discussed were a summary of donations and marketing strategies, Goals 4 and 5 of the Long Range Plan (proposed wording changes, current areas of focus, methods for accomplishing various action steps), budgeting issues, and briefly the SFS web site. Our available meeting time ran out before our topics of discussion, unfortunately. I appreciate the input from my committee and wish it were not so difficult to schedule time for all of us to meet together.

My efforts these past few months have been focused on travel, visiting Monthly Meetings in Iowa City, Des Moines, Denver and Chicago (57th Street), as well as attending Illinois Yearly Meeting, Missouri Valley Friends Conference and of course, Iowa Yearly Meeting. I will continue to visit Meetings within IYM and the region throughout the year. While in Colorado I met with alumni, former staff and friends of the School along the Front Range.

Blackbaud training continues with Walter, as we delve into the more intricate area of the software. I attended a one day Users Groups workshop in Des Moines in August. Another Users group in Bettendorf is scheduled for later in October. Walter will be assisting me with the fall annual appeal letter which is scheduled to go out later this month. The prompt sending of gift acknowledgements and thank you letters remains a high priority, and continues like clockwork. I am working on better tracking and acknowledgement of the people who every year help out the School in numerous other ways with donated items and services.

Efforts continue for the upcoming reunion to be held on Scattergood's campus next July (classes of 1979 to 1986). I am taking this opportunity to verify the accuracy of data in the records of the former students and staff from this era. Upcoming seminars include a one day workshop on Integrated Fundraising Campaigns in Des Moines and a two day class in Grant Writing to be held in Cedar Rapids.

I still hope to be able to meet with Nancy Ryan to discuss development philosophy and future goals and direction of Scattergood's Development Office. Our combined travel schedules and Nancy's health situation have prevented this from happening thus far. Recently Nancy was diagnosed with a new medical condition that has left her greatly fatigued and not able to speak much. Please hold her in the light as she battles this additional health hurtle.

Respectfully submitted,
Margie Figgins
Director of Development