Scattergood Friends School Committee

Approved Minutes 5/12/2001

The School Committee met on Saturday, May 12th at 9:10 am at Scattergood Friends School.  The Meeting began with an Executive Session, which was primarily a discussion of the Director's evaluation.  It was felt further discussion of committee support of the Director was needed, which occurred later in the day.

Members present were Lucy Hansen, Burt Kisling, Bob Winchell, Richard Johnson, Jeff Kisling, Ron Knight,  Dan Treadway, Joe Davison, Jim Kenney, Barb Garlinghouse and Perry-O Sliwa.  

Absent:  Bruce Rohwer, George Welch, Lowell Wilson and Bob Rye.

After brunch at 10:30, the committee met the Senior class and heard of their plans.

At 11:20 the Committee met in Executive Session with Ken Hinshaw.  In order to further explore issues raised, it was decided to accelerate the regular School Committee meeting, and return to a discussion of the School Committee, Director and staff working on the long range plan afterward.

At 12:07 the General Session began.

Staff members present included Nan Fawcett, Margie Figgins, Ken and Belle Hinshaw, Jennie Schmidt, Will Hardy, Sarah French, Mark Quee, Jan Luchini, Betsy Wentzel, Nancy Ryan, and Joey and Sarah Giffen-Hunter, Allison Holzer, Mike Watson, Erin Lane and Dana Foster.

Minutes of the 3/31/2001 meeting were approved.

Ken presented the Director's Report.


Jennie reported reflections/reviews are planned to evaluate the laptop computer program and portfolios.  Laptops have been integrated into the curriculum appropriately, and while portfolios have been implemented, the plan is to move their assessment back to the classroom setting, since the current practice of doing so in seminars hasn't worked well.  Integrating trips into the curriculum (as suggested by the long range plan) has been done successfully this year.  The ISACS update (to maintain accreditation) addressing their major recommendations has been submitted, and much of the long range plan implementations documented.

Spiritual and Community Life

The School Committee, staff and student workshop held before last committee meeting went well.

There was discussion of substance abuse and procedures to determine if credit could be given for work done during absence from the school.  The student employment pilot project has been initiated.

The School Committee approves the addition of Section 7.0 (moving the current section 7 to section 8) to the student handbook.  Topics include threats to health, medical leave and violations involving drugs, alcohol or tobacco.


The 4 plex is complete and the pond is full of water.  A meeting was recently held to explore options for future changes to the physical layout of the campus.


This is a busy time for garden preparation and planting, including 2000 strawberry plants.  The school received notification of organic certification of the orchard and garden.  Mark Quee and Clay Boggs pruned trees.  Mark will assist Christa Ryce in managing the farm this summer.


The school is exploring options for dealing with anticipated increases in energy costs.  The major projects portion of the capital budget is frozen until additional funds become available to pay for the 4 plex.

The School Committee appoints Lucy Hansen as acting Director of Scattergood Friends School during the time that Director Kenneth Hinshaw is absent in June, July and August 2001.  As acting Director Lucy will have the same legal authority as the Director would usually have.  Lucy has agreed to be acting Director without monetary compensation for which the committee is very appreciative.

The School Committee approves opening an account for designated gifts.

The School Committee approves allowing the school to join the Iowa High School Athletic Association to allow students to play soccer with other schools, such as Kalona, which have joined the association.

The Scattergood School Foundation Trustees have decided to transfer the endowment funds currently invested in the Friends Fiduciary Corporation of  Philadelphia to Westwood Trust in Dallas, Texas

The proposed 5 year budget was distributed.

The committee approves the consultation committee recommendation for the repayment of the $200,000 temporary cash flow loan.

Consultation committee recommendation:

With each decline in the interest rates, the cost of borrowing the $200,000 lessens, as it is set at half a percent below prime.  As interest rates fall, the equities markets are rising and expected to rise further in the second half of 2001.  It is conceivable that earnings off invested funds from the prepaid gifts can come close to equaling the entire balance of the $200,000 loan, given time.  If not, we have capital funds more than sufficient to make up the balance.  This is the time to let our money work for us, with the goal of earning at least $200,000 from the initial investment of $1,000,000 over five years.  This becomes a matter of funds management, rather than specifying a specific pay down timetable.

The committee approves spending $25,000 of the $65,000 designated for basic capital needs (mowing equipment, etc) from next year's budget, reserving the remaining $40,000 for the time being pending greater certainty of the timing of the paydown of borrowed funds, excepting projects funded by restricted gifts.


At present, 50-60 students are anticipated to start the next school year.  The school's Web site has been a good source of students who appear to be a good match with the school.  There have been more inquiries about the school this year, but the school is being more rigorous in asking about issues such as motivation, substance abuse, learning deficiencies, etc.   Closer ties with Unitarian churches are being formed.   A letter is planned to be sent to members of Iowa Yearly Meeting seeking students.


Steve Wood, Jim Mills, Jason Tipsword and David Rossell will be leaving the school staff this year.

Human Resources

The Scattergood Friends School Domestic Partnership Agreement was presented.  Individuals must have been in a committed relationship for at least 12 months prior to filing the Affidavit, and satisfy an additional 2 of 5 conditions.

The School Committee approves implementation of the use of the Domestic Partnership Agreement to determine approval for on campus housing for unmarried couples who are in a committed relationship.


Laptop computers are being used appropriately in the curriculum, and have reduced trips to the library as student are able to use online resources.  The wireless network has been one of the more successful aspects of the technology implementation.

Long range plan

Updates to action steps are being maintained in the database now.  The fall retreat planning committee met and will be searching for an outside facilitator to explore issues related to implementation of long range planning.

Proposed School Committee dates:

July 14, 2001,  Sept. 29, Dec. 1, Jan. 26, 2002, March 30, May 18 and July 20.

Subcommittee evaluations are due next meeting.

Dan Treadway asked for suggestions for new members for the school committee to take to the Yearly Meeting, and for committee members to let him know if they desired changes in subcommittee assignments.

Ideas for the Scattergood session at Iowa Yearly Meeting should be submitted to the Clerk.

The committee, Ken and school staff then discussed a number of issues including governance, communication, email, the long range plan and expectations of the school committee, the director and staff.   Ken expressed his discomfort with some of the concepts in the long range plan, e.g. how Scattergood fit into the political educational issues, for example.  He also discussed the impact the volume of email had on his duties as Director.

There seemed to be enough objection to the term Quaker Learning Process that it was decided to avoid using that term in relation to Scattergood's Long Range Plan.

It was also decided to thank Reck Niebuhr for his significant contributions to the Long Range Plan, but that he would no longer be considered an active consultant for the school.

The meeting adjourned with a period of silence at 4:45 pm.


Jeff Kisling,

Recording Clerk