Des Moines Valley Meeting letter regarding torture


The following letter was approved at their Business Meeting and is forwarded to us in case anybody would like to send a similar letter.--Sherry

To Senators Harkin and Grassley and Rep. Leonard Boswell

We have received disturbing information from the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Amnesty International on the issue of torture, not only in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, but also in secret prisons around the world. President Bush's statement that we do not torture is not enough. We believe it is imperative that Congress demand a high-level, thorough, independent and public investigation on the question of torture itself. The question of who leaked the news about secret CIA jails is only a distraction.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation states, "Few human actions are more morally repugnant than torturing those over whom you hold power. Torture is also a serious crime. The CIA was warned when it approved new interrogation procedures after September 11 that it would be in violation of the International Convention Against Torture. It went ahead anyway. The agency is also in violation of U.S. law -- the War Crimes Act of 1996 and the Torture Act of 2000.

"The right not to be tortured is one of the oldest American values and principles. It is also a fundamental human right. Violating that right not only violates the most basic ethical, moral and religious principles, but it undermines the very values the 'War on Terror' is supposedly defending. If, to fight terror, you sanction acts of terror -- which is what torture is -- then those practicing it are no better than the terrorists they seek to conquer."

Further, "Amnesty International has documented dozens of interrogation techniques used by agents of the U.S. Government that constitute torture or ill-treatment."

Following are the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Amnesty International


Senators Harkin and Grassley: Please support such an investigation, and disregard President Bush's threat to veto the McCain measure.

Rep.: Please support HR3003, which would establish such an investigation,