Yahara Friends Meeting, Preparative\
Minute on the Declaration of Peace\
August 6,  2006\
After more than three years of US occupation of Iraq, tens of thousands of Iraqi dead, thousands of US and coalition dead, and many more thousands injured on all sides, it is clearer than ever that continuing this policy in whatever form can not and will not work.  The US presence in Iraq is now more a catalyst for continued violence than a preventive force.  As Quakers we hold a long standing testimony of peace.  The current situation in Iraq is an example of  how violence and war do not work.\
The US must initiate an immediate plan for rapid withdrawal of all US and coalition forces from Iraq and permanent closure of all US bases.  Control of all Iraqi resources and its economic and political life must be returned to the people of Iraq.  Reconstruction must be US funded and Iraqi controlled.\

Des Moines Valley Minute on the Declaration of Peace:

Basic to Quaker belief is the faith that the same Light we recognize in our own hearts illuminates the souls of all other people.  This belief leads us to seek nonviolent means of resolving conflicts at all levels: interpersonally, within communities, and among nations; and leads us to work for justice as a basis for lasting peace.


We find ourselves bound in many ways as citizens of the United States to policies of our government which are abhorrent to us and in violation of our most deeply held beliefs.  Our efforts to encourage our government to establish policies that will lead to peace and justice here and around the world have not been adequate to bring about the change which is so urgently needed.  The destructive forces unleashed in our world threaten the future of all people and the planet itself.


Throughout our history Quakers have at various times found ourselves called to suffer for beliefs that place us in opposition to our government.  Based on this history of courageous witness, we challenge Friends  to now consider participating in nonviolent civil disobedience.  We must clarify both to ourselves and to our government that we put our trust and faith in a higher authority, in the Ocean of Light that extends over and surrounds the darkness. 


Specifically, we encourage this meeting as well as individual Friends to consider signing the following Declaration of Peace Pledge, including, as conscience leads us, heeding the call to participate in nonviolent civil disobedience the week of Sept 21-28.  We challenge all Friends to step beyond what is easy or comfortable and to move to the next level of risk, whatever that may mean for each individual.