Tuesday, 29 November 2005

International violence-reduction organization Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) confirmed today that the four human rights workers missing in Baghdad on November 26 are associated with their organization.  One of the missing persons is Norman Kember, a member of the current CPT delegation to Iraq.  The British Foreign office confirmed Mr. Kember's name on Sunday. 

CPT has been present in Iraq since October, 2002. The Team's work has focused on documenting and focusing public attention on detainee abuses and connecting citizens of Iraq to local and international human rights organizations.  Iraqi friends and human rights workers have welcomed the Team as a non-violent, independent presence and asked that the Team tell the stories of Iraqis.

In a "Statement of Conviction," the long-term Team members stated that they "are aware of the many risks both Iraqis and internationals curre! ntly face," and affirmed that the r isks did not outweigh their purpose in remaining.  They express the hope that "in loving both friends and enemies and by intervening non-violently to aid those who are systematically oppressed, we can contribute in some small way to transforming this volatile situation."

CPT does not advocate the use of violent force to save our lives should we be kidnapped, held hostage, or caught in the middle of a conflict situation.

Christian Peacemaker Teams places teams of trained peacemakers in crisis situations and militarized areas around the world. These teams host regular delegations of committed peace and human rights activists to conflict zones, who join teams in working with civilians to document abuses and develop non-violent alternatives.  The CPT Iraq Team has hosted a total of 120 people on 16 delegations over the last 3 years.

In addition to the Iraq Team, Teams of CPT workers are currently serving in Barrancabermeja, Colombia; Hebron and ! At-Tuwani, Palestine; Kenora, Ontar io, Canada; and on the Mexico-United States border. 


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